im doing a little better

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Well-known member
Jan 12, 2008
Newport News, virginia
well its been a long 3 weeks and today is the first day i dont feel like a total wreck. Im sleeping a little better at night. I am still retaining water and they have put me on lasiks, the doctor said it would eventually get better. The infection at my drain sites have started to get a little better. The doctor took all the gauze out today, but said it will take some time to totally heal. I still have a hard time eating food. nothing tastes right, and my stomache stays upset all the time. Im hoping that will eventally get better. Im suppose to start rehab next week which the doctor said will help out alot and help me get my strength back. we will see. I will write more later when i feel like it.
thaks for all the support.
Hang in there my friend! The healing process can be very different for each of us. Some of us spring back in no time while it takes a lot longer for others. I was one of the OTHERS after my last surgery!:eek: And the bouts of depression are commonplace so please don't get discouraged; this will all be behind you, hopefully, sooner than you think! Take care & best wishes to you!:)
I'm glad things are starting to look up. Keep up your spirits and we will pray for your complete recovery.
Sounds like you are turning the corner. It's different for everyone so hang in there. I hope the trend continues. Best wishes to you for a smooth and speedy recovery.
I don't know if your rehab was set to begin next week awhile ago but I would possibly try to gain a bit more strength before you start. You will feel better but it is still taxing.
It's good to hear you're finally feeling a little better. Getting rid of the fluid with the lasix will help a lot.
Antibiotics can really play havoc with your digestion. If you can eat yogurt, it may help.
Hope things continue to improve for you.
Sarah, seeing your post made my day! I am sorry the post-op course has been so difficult for you.

Hang in there and keep getting better!


It sounds like you are on the verge of the Next Phase in your recovery Sarah.

Sometimes those 'baby steps' towards progress seem awfully slow, but as long as you are feeling better on a week by week basis, you are heading in the right direction.

Try to be patient (Yes, I KNOW how hard that is) and keep looking forward.

Best Wishes,

'AL Capshaw'
Sarah, it is good to hear you are well enough to post, it seems you may just have seen the last of that Mack truck that gets us all ! Keep up the good work, and don't overdo it now . Each day will get better.
Hi Sarah

So good to see your post this morning. I tried to call you yesterday, but your line was busy and then we were out and about. So glad you're feeling a bit WILL get better. I'll try to give you a ring over the weekend or you can call me if you feel up to it.



Dear Sarah, so glad to see you post. You will get better and feel stronger every day, you really will!! The first couple weeks at home are the hardest but it does get better. Remember you just had a major surgery and it takes time for the body to heal, I know your frustrated but give it alittle more time. I'm 6 weeks post-op now and i get stronger and feel better each and every day. You will lose that extra water, I had 10 lbs of extra water on me and just now lost it. 2 weeks ago I finally got on diazide for blood pressure and extra water, started walking more ( I finally had the energy to walk well after 4 weeks) changed my diet and started eating more protein, started taking low dose of iron, cut out soda and am drinking more water, and trying not to overdo even though i feel alot better. I've now lost 13 lbs. these past 2 weeks feel better and now up to over a mile walk each day with no stopping along the way! Hand in there a few more weeks and listen to your body and give it what it needs. Debbie :)
Hi All

Just thought I'd let you know that I spoke with Sarah this morning (Saturday)and she's doing much better. She said her inr was 2.5 this week at the dr.'s office and her infection is looking much better. Her dr. was going to get her started in cardiac rehab, which I think is great for her. I know she's got alot going on and doesn't check in too often, so I thought you might all like to be updated. Please keep her in your prayers.

Sarah - I'm 5 weeks post AVR. My turning point was about 12 days ago. I hit a couple of depressing "snags" in the recovery process but then it was like someone flipped a switch to "OK" for me. Now I've had what feels like 12 good days of steady recovery progress and I'm full of hope and optimism that the progress will continue.

Today I got up at 6 am, hit the grocery store at 6:30, took care of 4 kids (giving mom a much needed break) for the better part of the day, baked cookies and made lentil soup, took kids to church and came home at 6:30 pm to clean up the (BIG!!) mess in the kitchen that I made earlier today. Kids are in bed and now I'm on (obviously) and I'm planning on staying up late to get caught up on a Netflix movie and eat 1 (ok 3 or 4!) of those cookies I baked earlier today (oatmeal chocolate chip :D ).

I'm passing on these details because just 10 days ago there was no way I'd have ever thought I'd be putting in a full-blown day like today. Now I'm having to be careful to not overdo things. I know it's a trite and easy comment for me to make but please do hang in there and keep a positive and hopeful attitude. I bet in 2 weeks you'll be blazing away full-speed and not giving a second thought to slowing down to rest!!

Steve C.
Stay positive...

Stay positive...

Glad to see your post. Hang in there...I PROMISE it gets better. I'm 4 weeks post op AVR and I've just in the last week started to really feel like myself again. I felt decent the first couple of weeks, but have turned the corner just in the last week. Everyone is different, but hang in there, it will start to get MUCH better soon! Food still doesn't taste good to me and I don't have much of an appetite. The fluid will come off...and once it starts coming off, it really comes off! My large chest tube site still isn't healed up either...getting better, but not completely healed. That one takes a while.

Anyway, hang in there and keep a positive attitude. It WILL get better!