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I returned home last night from my trip to visit my daughter in France. I'm SO jet-lagged. Right now my body is 7 hours ahead of the actual time. Had a wonderful time with my daughter and my good friend that went with me.

Here are a few pics from my trip.

I think you'll know where we are here:
This should be familiar too. We went up to the top. It's a longer climb than it looks.
My daughter is teaching in Provence, the south of France. This is at the Gorge du Verdun. It's the French "grand canyon". It was a little hazy so the mountains in the background don't show through as much. It was like a scene out of the final Lord of the Rings movie with all the huge jagged mountains. We rented a car for the week we were in Provence. If we had 100 yards of straight flat road at one time - it was rare.
Welcome home!!...We have missed you:D ...Glad you had a great time:) ...The flight is a killer, it took me three or four days to get back on schedule....Again, welcome back!!!....Great pics, thanks.:)
Welcome home- what a wonderful opportunity for your daughter to be teaching there and a great excuse to visit! Dick and I loved the time we spent in Provence about 5 years ago and have it on our list of places that we must revisit- fell in love with St. Remy. Climbed many of those hills in the BMW we took European delivery of- especially remember the Napolean route. By the way, Karlynn- you look like sisters, not mother and daughter!:D
Superbob said:
SUPERBOB replies:

Karlynn, si heureux vous voir en arrière. Nous vous avons manqués! Comment est-ce que nous sommes supposés garder le Jet En bas aller sans vous?

It's good to be home. You'll have to translate the rest. My daughter is the fluent one.:eek:
Karlynn, if happy to see you behind. You missed us! How are we supposed to keep the Jet In low outward journey without you?
Karlynn said:
It's good to be home. You'll have to translate the rest. My daughter is the fluent one.:eek:

Karlynn, SUPERBOB says we missed you. And how the heck can we run the Throw Down without you? (Roughly translated). :p

And those pictures do look like those of two young sisters, not mother and daughter. :) Glad you had a good time. On the Throw Down thread, hope you'll tell us about the culinary delights. :D


Good to see you back safe'n'sound :).

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"The story is between the lines" ... Dave & Sugar ... 'Golden Tears'
Great pics!

Great pics!

Welcome back! Thank you for sharing the great pics. You look fabulous in France my dear!!!:) Bless!