im back online but still in the hospital

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Well-known member
Mar 11, 2009
Wilton, CT
hello all. thank you so much for all of your thoughts and prayers. i definitely needed them. i too am hoping it was my one and only bump. im feeling much better and have started walking and got all my tubes out today so im free to find the wifi spot finally in the lounge! i should be home by the weekend and will hop on as soon as i find the energy! best, and hugs to everyone! megan

ps- the food is horrific here.
Sounds like if you've navigated to the wifi you're making good progress, Megan. :) Also if the hospital food is horrific, that's par for the course. Pretty good indication you still have a discriminating palate. :p

Best wishes continue for a smooth recovery from now on....
Glad you are doing much better. Keep up the walking that always helps get you out of there sooner. Hope you continue to do well and can go home soon.
Take Care.
Megan, so glad to hear from you. We have all been concerned, but you sound like
you are on the mend, so take it slow and steady, you will be going home soon I
am sure. Laura Becker
Glad to see your post and nice to have all that paraphanalia
out finally,i couldn't wait and food well even at home it tasted
not great for me,let alone hospital,in case you feel like it's still not
great to eat when you get home.....It's normal and did effect me
terribly and think alot on forums here posted about food in general.
Soon you will be home and that will feel the greatest for you.:)

zipper2 (DEB)
Glad things are going good for you megan. Hopefully you will be home soon. I am just getting sprung from icu today after having to wait for 3 days for them to put a pacemaker in. Hopefully will be homeward bound on friday but we will see.
Hi Megan,

Glad you are mobile and able to get around - hope someone is carrying that laptop for you!!
Hospital food. Ecch. How they expect sick people to get better on that is beyond me. I hope you get to go home soon, and that you continue to improve!
Thinking of you!

If your tubes are out you are doing much better. WALK, WALK, WALK, REST, WALK, WALK, WALK, REST. Did I mention you should walk as much as you can tolerate. The more active I became the better I felt. Obviously, don't go crazy but you will be amazed how walking helps. You will sleep better, lost water weight faster, clear your lungs better and feel stronger. You sound like you are doing much better.

Good luck!

Great to hear that you are close to getting out of that hospital. I hope that your recovery is now smooth sailing. Keep your head up and walk, breathe, rest etc. Sorry that the food is yukky. But soon you will be free....:)
Good to hear from you and that you will be going home soon! Take good care of yourself and look forward to a post from home when you are up to it. One day at a time...
Megan (and Jax) glad to hear things are getting better and home is in site. Hopefully smooth sailing the rest of the way.
Great to hear your up and about, keep up the good work and before you know it you will be home, and some lovely home made food.
You take care
I hear ya about the food megan. None of it tastes good and not only that on the days that I had appointments or the day after surgery. For both the valve and the pacemaker I couldn't order for the next day so all they sent me was fish which I hate so I wouldn't eat it. So then I would have to settle with apple sauce or something. So it will be interesting to see if I have lost any weight. Prolly not with all the fluid I still have to get rid of. But can always hope I guess.
Glad to hear everything is going well for you. I hope for you to have continued, and speedy recovery. Best wishes to you & God Bless.