Illegals in the U S A

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Hi Missy - Complicated, isn't it.

I guess this isn't really on-topic, and I certainly don't mean this as any form of political comment, but I saw in the news this morning that Saigon fell 35 years ago today and memories came flooding back. It seems a lifetime ago.

My dad sponsored a man he'd worked with in Vietnam, and his large family, and they came to live with us that summer. I don't recall now if it was for a few or several weeks. We lived in a rural area and my mother, always an excellent cook, wanted them to have foods they were familiar with. So we special ordered wonton skins and bean sprouts and other things I'd never heard of before from the local grocery store and I washed bean sprouts until I thought I'd croak from boredom. Still don't like them much. Discovered a great appreciation for delicious wontons though :) And I learned origami that summer too.

Anyway, the last I heard, their numerous kids, most of whom were teenagers at the time and none of whom could speak English when they arrived, are all wonderfully successful in complicated fields, on both coasts and in between. I heard one is a brain surgeon, one a renowned oncologist, one is in cardiology, etcetera.

Didn't want to start a new thread, was thinking about this immigration thread, and didn't think anyone would mind if I dropped my memories in here.
I remember it well. Such a tragedy. Yes, for the most part the Vietnamese have done well from that generation. You have to ask yourself. If those people can be successful, contributing Americans, (and learn English) why can't the majority of all immigrant groups do the same? Incidently, I am NOT AGAINST IMMIGRANTS, if they are here legally. My grandparents where immigrants.

Thanks Linda for the story
Don't get me started on this issue. That's basically why I quit the Pediatric Clinic because 95% of our patients were Mexican and I can't speak a word of Spanish. It was frustrating to say the least. On top of that,kthe majority of them are on Medicade so our taxes are paying for their services and they can't speak "English." Just doesn't seem right to me! And this is not just one or two in the family, it's the whole famly which sometimes consist of anywhere from 5-10 people.
Well, truth be told Glenda, it isn't right! I know practically everyone on this forum remembers the saying. "When in Rome, do as the Romans do". I refuse to become brainwashed into thinking that all this is just OKAY. It's wrong that they are here illegally, and to add to that, they are imposing their ways on us. What would happen if we went to Mexico, (or probably any other country) and tried to do exactly the same??
I think that the people of the southwest need help and support from their fellow U. S. ciitzens. I think they are asking for it and are being deinied because no one wants to inconvenienced. We go to war and protect citizens in other countries. Why not for our own citizens. They are in danger of being killed, robbed, raped, tied up to die if no one finds them and this is reality. No one is asking that someone go to war; just put up with a little inconvenience.

Maybe we could have an impartial watch dog group. If the "bad apple" cop detains someone for too long he should be held accountable. But we have to give the cops some leeway otherwise they cannot do their job.

I cannot imagine someone not being willing to find out what is actually happening here and not being willing to come to the aid of fellow Americans.

Let the well meaning illegals come foreward and apply legally. I don't think anyone cares if they do. But if we relax the rules we are opening the door for every kind of criminal and terrorists. They have caught several terrorists. by the way.

Soon, if we fail or are afraid to ask, pursue or prosecute because of the color of someone's skin, the only eople left that will be accountable for their actions are light skinned citizens. Then what will we do.
Yay, for Sheriff Arpegio for saying no racial favoritism. All we be held accountable no matter skin color. And how do we find the guilty if we can't ask for proof? What shall we do...... just relax the rules. Let them all go? We are going to have more deaths and violence on our conscience.

I for one will be willing to carry ID of some sort to prove citizenship.

For years when we go through the ports all around us here in NM, the border patrol have asked if I am a United States Citizen. It doesn't make me mad. I am glad they are doing there job. We got pulled out of line once because my husband set the alarm off as he had just had the heart scan done, but the dr. had given him a card to that effect. Withine seconds the pickup was surrounded by dogs and border patrol. We didn't get mad. We told them how well we thought they did their job.

I realize some will be detained longer but the majority of officers are good honest people and that is who we call when we need them and I think the people in the southwest are calling for them and our neighbors and friends. What about when other parts of the U. S. come under attack?

Anyone who wants ciitzens to have to put up with this must have some ulterior motive or interest. Maybe terrorist sympathies.

How about let's get together to help and protect the ones we can. Stop what we can at the border long term, try to weed through some of the bad individuals, maybe we could keep some of the ones that want to stay that can pass current standards.

We also have to remember that not all of these want to be citizens. It is an established custom in this area for Mexicans to sneak over the border, work, send the money home, sneak back to Mexico then sneak back to the U. S. whenvever they want. They don't really want to be US citizens. And what about the drug runners?

We need to try to understand why some don't see it the same. But as I said before the ones in our family that are effected are trying to do things legally to get citizenship. And she will get it. I am confident of that. She will be an assest to this country.
I just had email from a good friend in Arizona. He told me that detainment or inconvenience is temporary.... death is forever. Let's hope the violence ends soon and everything can get back to normal!!!
tied up to die if no one finds them and this is reality.

This sentence of yours Missy, triggered a memory of just an incident that happened many years ago, and I don't remember if it happened along the Arizona or New Mexico side.

However, a man...well a skeleton of a man, was found chained to a telephone pole out in the middle of the desert. He was found by workers who had been checking the lines in that remote & desolate area. Authorities said that his feet, & hands had been tied & a chain connected to a collar around his neck had been used to tie him to the post! Pretty horrific huh?! They also believed he was probably involved with drugs!
The drug cartel are "sub humans". These people have absolutely no respect or value for human life! For me living in Texas, this is extremely unsettling. I agree completely with Missy. We as Americans, no matter what our ethnic roots, must all cooperate and do our part to help keep America a safer place. It is not overreacting! This is a very real problem!

Please, lets all work together.
We are guilty, especially me in this post, of using the term mexican a little too loosely. One of the area newspapers published an article relating to the meetings and this article said that 40% of the traffic entering the United States are from other countries. This information comes from the numbers caught I woud imagine. When they track these people they have been found to be undesirables and criminals. I knew there were others, as I posted, I just didn't realize the percentage was that high. They are mostly entering from the southern border.

This was a long article and I wish I could post it on here. It was very informative and simply written by the residents of southern Hidalgo county in the bootheel of N M.
This sentence of yours Missy, triggered a memory of just an incident that happened many years ago, and I don't remember if it happened along the Arizona or New Mexico side.

However, a man...well a skeleton of a man, was found chained to a telephone pole out in the middle of the desert. He was found by workers who had been checking the lines in that remote & desolate area. Authorities said that his feet, & hands had been tied & a chain connected to a collar around his neck had been used to tie him to the post! Pretty horrific huh?! They also believed he was probably involved with drugs!

This happened right outide of Deming where I live. There have been several so I suppose that is the one you are talking about. My brother in law had to go to Oregon once at the expense of taxpayers. His neighbors, a couple, were bound and shot and died as a result. The illegal was finally caught in Oregon for another crime and they kept him there. This is not uncommon in this area. Usually when they tie them up they are left alive though.

My brother in law told me today that another neighbor got broken into for the 6th time in two months. He lives about a 1/4 mile up the hill from my sister.

The illegals break in to get things to eat or valuables to have. They don't want a really heavy load though. Money or a gun sometimes. The drug runners break in our their way back to Mexico headed south. They are carrying all they can carry headed north. When they break in headed north it is for food and a gun if they are in need. But most of it is done on their way back and then they hide out with their goodies and are on the defensive. They get all the guns they can and valuables they can carry. Sometimes they are in groups.

If they haven't broken in anywhere, they walk along the road in plain site waiting for the border patrol to pick them up for the free ride back to Mexico. They just come back next trip. The Border Patrol have gottten where they don't pick up the ones headed south as much. They are trying to prevent the ones going north. The south bound are wasted time,effort and money.

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