Ice or Heat

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when treating a crabby knee when do you use cold and when do you use heat? ... this is not a new ailment.

A "crabby" knee. This doesn't mean that The Chimp has crabs, does it? :p

(Okay, bad joke -- I of all people should have compassion for someone with a bum knee. For whatever it's worth, I was told to ice it and elevate it. When that didn't work, I was told to go to a hottie physical therapist and let her work with it. That didn't work either, but I enjoyed it a lot more. :p;)
Freeze water in Styrofoam cups. Cut off the bottom of the cup once the water is frozen and massage the knee until all the ice has melted.

Take advil if you can. 3 at a time.

I have ice cups in the freezer ready for any new injury. I have Dashboard knees.
was always taught:

new injury - ice til it settles down

old injury - heat.

arthritic injury - heat

knee - elevate and stay off it so as not to re-injure it. I use a laz-y-boy when sitting, all the time.

If it's an old injury, HEAT.....In emt class, we learned ICE the first 24 hours, heat after that.......but that's for a NEW injury.

I'm sure you've met your deductible by now! Why don't you find a really competent orthopedist and find out what is actually wrong with the knee. Then maybe you can be prescribed to the "hottie" physical therapist like Bob got and get a true list of instructions that will attend to your individual problem knee.

In the meantime, I found these to be quite lovely in keeping my knee more comfortable on those "crabby" mornings.

My new Mac computer doesn't get me a good link (or rather...I haven't figured it out to make a link) so this comes from and the link is oh, looks like it will give a link. :confused::confused:

Basically, these are tightly knit but not those awful black things to support/comfort bum knees.

So even though I would always recommend Ice, this is kind of a warming thing, I guess.

Good luck. Get thee to the doctor!


Being not a new ailment as you said in your post.........will always become an old ailment,what im saying,so in dought check it out even when you know
what is caused Bina said chasing girls!!!! or those banana peels:rolleyes: you forgot to clean up again.

zipper2 (DEB)
when treating a crabby knee when do you use cold and when do you use heat? ... this is not a new ailment.

Ice reduces inflammation, and is therefore your 100% best friend in 99% of situations. Take it from my husband, who got hit by a car at nineteen, had the cartilage removed from his knee, and continued to play competitive sports his whole life (he's fifty now,) defying all the odds and dodging knee replacements. Icing is a daily routine for him.

I'm not sure if you would ever need heat for a knee specifically, but in general, heat is used to help warm up your muscles before stretching or therapy. For example, if you were rehabbing from a back injury, you might take a hot shower, do your stretching exercises or do some sort of activity, and then reduce any inflammation with ice afterwards.
Thanks ... I'm icing tonight ... heat did not seem to help .... I know I tried too hard to fast ... but I am still walking three mile a day .... if I don't I will gain weight because I am still going freaking nuts at times for a smoke....
So what exactly did you do to your knee?
Is it puffy?
Is the pain like inside/outside or on top of the knee cap?
Maybe all you need to do is wrap it? But not if its puffy.
Have you tried taking Tylenol Arthritis?
Thanks ... I'm icing tonight ... heat did not seem to help .... I know I tried too hard to fast ... but I am still walking three mile a day .... if I don't I will gain weight because I am still going freaking nuts at times for a smoke....

I haven't had a cigarette since 1980 but I still want one!! It's okay to want one. You are great!!! You are finding something to deter you from the desire to smoke again. Don't give up, but then again, don't bash up your knee too much either. Maybe it's time to buy an iPod and "get into" jazz or something calming (or Beethoven's fifth if you need some kabangs). For me, lately, I've been having a blast cruising around YouTube! It's a silly diversion, but keeps me away from wanting any dessert (I suppose I should put that on the throw down thread! :p)

Good for you, Cooker!!!!!!!! Keep up that fight against falling under the spell of nicotine.

:D Marguerite
I just wanted to cast my vote for ice and those elastic support bandage thingys. Thats what my hubby gets when his knee goes bad :D...