Ian Update

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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2009
Victoria, BC, Canada
Hello everyone,

I realized I haven't posted an update for a while. I am still home after my little set back and I am feeling pretty good. I am walking three times a day and am up to 14 minutes each outing. Luckily the weather has cooperated and I've been able to get to the park across the street. I am slowly building up my endurance.

I am still having issues with low blood pressure occasionally, perhaps my metoprolol is too high. I have the occasional migraine aura and have trouble with tingling on one side. The Drs don't seem too concerned though.

I also am sweating quite a bit but that does seem to be getting better. I am not in much pain and have pretty well stopped all the pain killers including Tylenol.

Thanks to everyone for all their support. I'll try and keep posting more often.

Ian, you are in the right path to recovery and soon you shall be fine...my BP was low for a long time due to my medicine but was necessary to lower my pulse. Hang in there:)
and keep us posted.
I found it very difficult to find the right dose of Metoprolol for my situation.
My heart would either race away or beat very slowly making me feel faint.
I also still have the occasional aura, but I've had those for many years.
It's a good idea to check your BP daily and mark it down. You are doing well, rest often.
Glad to hear you're doing well. I am working myself off metoprolol. My blood pressure has been low too - and we'll see what happens!