Ian day 5

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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2009
Victoria, BC, Canada
Ian had a bit of a setback today.His blood pressure dropped and he collapsed after leaving a coumadin seminar. He hasn't been able to eat much of anything and has had a bit of tingling in his right hand...For each two steps forward he seems to get one step back...So he is back on oxygen and intervenious and bed rest...oh my...tomorrow is another day....Rose

Hang in there! Tommorrow is a new day! Wish you and Ian nothing but the best!
Sending "Hugs" your way. Thanks for keeping us updated and hoping your next update will be a better one. As Bina said it seems to be quite common to go two steps backward and one step forward.
Take care of yourself
Sorry to read that, sending hugs and prayers, hoping tomorrow will be a better day, all the best.
I am sorry to learn that Ian had a small set back. But the both of you try to hang in there. We all go through that stage where we think that we are doing really well, then life gives us a slight slap to the back of the head. I will pray for you both. :)
Sorry to hear that Ian had a set back. I'm sure he'll pull out of it soon. Many of us had some sort of set back during recovery. I will keep him in my prayers.
Hope to hear tomorrow that he's up and walking around and during fine.