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Oh My Gosh! I forgot about the DUST MITES! They Are Everywhere! YEEKS But don't wrap yourself in plastic! I wonder if dust mites bite, and if they do, will they explode on contact? :D
Please no scorpions in the bedsheets!!!!! They would definitely have to haul me away in a straight jacket if I experienced that! I never thought about the mosquitos exploding after supping on our blood! Very Cool! I hate the little buggers! LOL;)
Now we have to worry about exploding bugs? I'm envisioning exploded dust mite carcasses wherever Joe has been. I just might have to clean more often. Drat!

This IS distressing!:D :D :D
I got biten yesterday

I got biten yesterday

No bruising, they were probably sand fleas this time.

Time for daily bug repellant, they say it's going to be a great year for mosquitos.


Can you let me know where I can get those citranella wrist bands, or who makes them, I use all the rest of the products you mention, we even have an old screen gazebo.


If I get bitten by a rat:eek: :eek: Will it kill him? Beauty about living on top of a mountain..not many bugs come up here..We do plant lots of Marigolds around outside fishpond ..In case of skeeters. Now, red wasps do come around and I run. Those things really hurt if they sting you..Been a few years (Knock on wood) since one got me..but I swell where they bite.. I have decided if one bites me..I will run to nearest ER.. Is extreme swelling harmful to someone on coumadin?:confused: :confused: Bonnie
I don't know about swelling being harmful, but I'll bet that you would develop a spectacular bruise.
I won't ever worry about those nasty rodents. My fox terrier takes care of 'em. And before we got her our Siberian Husky cornered a few roof rats in the yard, and they got a swift shovel to the head!
I have only gotten bruised on my thumb from putting my hand in a gardening glove and feeling a prick kind of pain. It bruised and I am thinking spider bite. This happened before I was on coumadin.
I always throw my gloves on the ground and step on them before I put them on.

Last night I ran over a snake in the garage and killed it. Good illustration for the 3-year-old grandson about not getting in the way of a car. He helped me bury it.
OK guys!

This is really too much. Scorpions in the sheets, roof rats, snakes in the garage, throwing your gloves on the ground and stepping on them to kill the critters.

You need to move to my area where these things would freeze. Sure we have snakes and spiders, but they mostly stay where they belong, outside. Long hibernation season, short mating season, hence fewer of them, I hope. :p

Frogs, toads, chipmunks. squirrels and field mice are OK.