I guess its time for an update. . .

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2007
Northern VT
hey guys,

Sorry I've been away for so long, freddie shot me a PM letting me know that a bunch of ppl were wondering where I was at, I'm sorry I've left everyone in a lurch. I am at my moms right now, I have moved out of my dads, I decided that that wasnt such a healthy place for me to be living, there is much less stress here at my moms, not to mention I dont have to cater to a wood stove all day long;) . I also stopped working for dad's business, which was a huge step, the money situation is still a little sketchy, but its well worth it for the amount of stress it is saving me, I honestly looked inwards last week and asked myself how in the heck was I working 2 jobs! I dont understand how I was managing that, and keeping my grades where they were at. The reason why I havent been on the boards much is that mom has dial up, and I dont have the attention span to deal with it for very long before I just give up and get off, she's gonna get high speed at some point, and I will be able to use my laptop at home again, so that will soon be a non issue.

anyways, I am still recovering from whatever I had, I caught another cold the weekend before last, which really hit hard. I'm still not up to par health wize, and again I am wondering to myself if this is my new baseline, or if I'll be able to get past it and feel better, the other day walking 4 blocks was more than a work out for me, and last tuesday at clinical I didnt feel well, and kinda had a presyncopal episode, which I think was probably from dehydration/stress, whatever, I never thought I'd be happy to be able to pick out "normal" symptoms again, LOL. I'll let my GP know in april when I see her, I have been on asthma meds since getting out of the hospital, and she wants to re-check me, she diagnosed me with asthma because my peak flow rates were improving 15-20% with the xopenex when I wasnt feeling well, since being on the singulair I have only been using my inhaler 2-3 times a week, and hopefully I'll be able to ditch the singulair down the road when things have settled down, I was able to last time this happened.

I do know that all I want right now is to continue kicking a$$ and taking names in school, mom said something to me that kinda made sense: "if you were a danger to yourself you wouldnt be on the street, Dr Yeager would put you in the hospital in a heartbeat, you know that, right?" so, I gotta just keep pushing past things, making the best of things, and living like there's no tomorrow I'm still gonna be the best darned RT there is, I gotta turn the energy I use being angry at myself for feeling like crap towards school, and clinical (I got so angry with myself last tuesday night/wednesday morning for feeling so crappy during clinical, I dont know where it came from, but it just was, it was hard to deal with)

anyways, I gotta go get in the shower so I can leave, I've gotta do a case study presentation this morning in class, so I kinda wanna be early

talk to you guys later, not sure when, but I'll try to check in later this week
Hi Morgan..
thanks for the update! Glad that you are making healthy choices for yourself:) Keep on kicking booty at school! Take care kiddo!
Lovely to catch up. You certainly live a busy life. Don't know how you do it. Youth, I guess? And the smarts and enthusiasm. Keep it all going. We know you will. Just drop in now and again to say hey.

Know what you mean about dial up. We here are just plain stuck with it. Blessins..........
Thanks for updating us. Sounds like you're heading in the right direction and making some changes that will be good for you.
Keep in touch. We worry you know
Hi Morgan,
I was not feeling normal for about 5 years before my VR. The last 2 were hell. I was really sick (It was at a time where they waiting until the last possible moment to replace the valve.) I can REALLY relate to you being angry with yourself for not feeling well at critical times. I had 2 very young children at the time I was so sick and I felt horribly guilty and very angry for not being able to be the Mom I thought they needed and deserved. A good friend suggested I try an imagery type of meditation to help me get past the anger. You are right - it takes up a lot of energy that can be used more constructively.

I'm a Christian, so my images revolved around sitting with Jesus, his arms around me, my head on his shoulder, beautiful gardens or sitting with him just in my living room. It helped immensely. You can use any kind of imagery that you view as supportive or calming or soothing. I'm not a meditative type person at all, so it took some time to build up the ability (which I have lost most of now that my life is "normal":( ) But it really was a tool that helped a lot!

Thanks so much for the update - your family here does worry about you!
Well Hello there Morgan,

So glad to hear that you made some changes in your lifestyle.
You go girl!!!
I'm looking forward to know a Damn good RT :)

Thanks for the up-date, and don't be a stranger ;) we'll worry.

Take care and I hope your case study went really well this morning.

Morgan, I am so happy to hear from you, you sure sound a whole lot better, mentally, than before, and mentally will translate into physically. It's amazing how getting rid of some stress and frustration can make such a big difference to your whole life.

I was going to sugget in of your earlier posts that you consider moving in with your mother, but someone beat me to it. I didn't want to sound like a nagging big sister (I prefer that to mother, although I am old enough) and anyway, one bratty little sister not talking to me is as much as I can handle at a time.

Take care, and drop in, even just to say you're still around.

PS isn't there somewhere at school with internet access that you could use?

VERY glad to see you post an update.

Thoughts/prayers coming your way, ya know....

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