I found news on TORREY PINES

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Torreypines had his surgery yesterday and I'm just hoping for the best. Looking forward to the good news from these guys.

Christine posted a few updates in his presurgery thread yesterday http://www.valvereplacement.com/forums/showthread.php?t=33737&page=2
the last one was
Kurt is in SICU and doing well. His breathing tube is out and he is moving all parts of his body. He is communicating and it's mainly about his discomfort. He looks great for having just had open heart surgery this morning. His surgeon came by and said that Kurt is going to be just fine...music to my ears!!! He's in a lot of pain but once he is able to eat some jello tonight he will be able to have pain meds in pill form which will last longer. They are giving him shorter acting pain relief now so that his breathing doesn't become too shallow. I will probably post again in the morning. Thanks again for your love and prayers.

For our valvereplacement friends, We hope to hear how Rick and Doug are doing.
I found news on TORREY PINES

I checked out Kurt's CarePage and found this entry dated "Four Hours Ago." Looks like more good news!

Kurt continues to improve. He sat up in the chair last night for about 45 minutes. He was surprisingly alert as he knew when I left for 2 hours last night. We talked on/off through the night when he needed water or pain meds. Today should hopefully be a day of great improvement as many tubes should come out (catheter, the big one in his jugular and possibly the chest tube). He is also expected to walk around. I came home for a couple of hours to take care of home/kid stuff but I'm heading back in an hour or so and will update later this evening. He asks how everyone is doing and is so grateful for all of the love and prayers.

Wonderful news! Tell Kurt the hard part is over....now he needs to concentrate on getting better and stronger....God Bless him and all of the members who have had surgery this year.
Just want to clear up some confusion....

It was me, Marcia58, who found and passed along the update about Kurt, not Christine.

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OK, another CarePage update, labeled "eight hours ago":

Hi All,
Today was a great day. Several tubes were removed and only a chest tube and IV remain. Kurt moved out of SICU and is on the Cardiac floor. After meeting with his physical therapist we walked to the nurses station and back (about 20 feet one way). This took just about all of his energy but is a good indicator of a healthy recovery. His pain level is down to about a 3 when he takes his percocet (sp?) and it is allowing him to get some much needed rest. He's been doing his "incentive breathing" and is able to sustain his breath longer each time. He's fully aware of everything that is going on and surprisingly remembers much of yesterday.

Can't say enough good things about Sharp and the care Kurt is receiving. He has a large private room with massive windows, a flat screen TV, a sofa to sleep on and excellent, attentive nurses. Georgia had a school play tonight (she was an Oompa Loompa in Charlie and Chocolate Factory) so I came home for a while. I'm going back to spend the night and will post again sometime tomorrow.

Have a great night and thanks so much for all of your postings. Hopefully Kurt will be able to read them tomorrow.



Sounds like Kurt's travelling a pretty "bump-free" road!


Very glad to read how well things are going :) .

If Kurt or Christine see this before the chest tube comes out: I had previously read here that removal of the tube can be painful and you can request pain meds right before that. So I did and had no pain.

Marcia, thanks for posting the updates. I clicked on the Caring Bridge link in their signature a couple of days ago but couldn't access it without registering.
Just want to clear up some confusion....

It was me, Marcia58, who found and passed along the update about Kurt, not Christine.


Sorry Marcia! :( When I wrote what I did, I was thinking it was odd that your name would be Christine if your screen name is Marcia58! Forgot that it was Kurt's wife's name you posted from her update.

Thanks again for updating us here, Marcia. :)