I finally made it to the other side

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2008
Westborough, Mass.
I had my repair yesterday. He said it was badly diseased but he was able to to put a ring around it and cut the flaps where they are anchored and anchor them better. He also took in the floppy part of the flap. I feel fine untill I movethen I feel it.I am out of ICU as of 2:30 today..Thank you for all the prayers and well wishes..So far so good. :D
What good news and how great you are well enough to be posting.
Congratulations on making it over the mountain.
WOW! It blows my mind when I see members posting so soon after surgery - Good for you!

Best wishes for a speedy an uneventful recovery - be good to yourself.
WOW this is fast posting here! Hope you are resting,breathing well,walking and doing what it takes to get recouped and heading home. We all will be thinking of you these next few wks during your (sometimes rough) recovery time!
Triffic news, well done ... Emailing so quickly too, fantastic stuff ! I dont think I even looked at a computer for a week, far too complicated to get my head around !
Go steady ....
I'm glad to read that the repair went well. Congratulations and I look forward to your first post from home.
Yea: Three cheers for you

Yea: Three cheers for you

Wonderful news. Remember, this is just a start. Now, the best is yet to be.

Nice to know that you are going so well.

Kind regards,