I did it I did it!!!

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Well-known member
Oct 13, 2007
So. California area
Yea, I did my race today and all went well! I'm 11 weeks post-op now and this was my very first 5k race and will not be my last. I had so much fun and was so happy to be able to do this, can't wait to do another. My goal was to finish the race and if feeling well on race day to do it in an hour, I did both. I walked the race and my time was 58 min. that is about a 18 min. mile and I was very happy with that, I even came in dead last and smiled the whole way as the slowest racer!! Now I'm ready for my next goal, maybe a slow jog in the next race? I'll post some pictures when I can get them up. Thanks everyone for the encourgement. Debbie :)
Congratulations! :cool:

I knew it! You've been bitten by the race bug and you'll enter more of them. :D :D

Some upcoming races in CA (not sure where in CA you are located):

Komen San Diego Race for the Cure, November 2, 2008
2008 Komen Sacramento Race for the Cure Saturday, May 10, 2008, Cal Expo
10th Annual Komen Fresno Race for the Cure Saturday, October 25, 2008
2008 Komen SF Race for the Cure on Sunday, September 21
15th annual Komen Orange County Race for the Cure on Sunday, September 21 at Amador Valley High School in Pleasanton, CA

Some races in CA: http://www.raceplace.com/crunsd.shtml

Also, Runner's World magazine is online, they feature some of the best races around the country. http://www.runnersworld.com/

I hope to be able to choose several races this year, before Army 10 Miler in October. At least once a year, I would like to choose a race and schedule a vacation around it. This way I have a goal to work towards.


Dear Louise, thanks for the links I've already picked out my next race that's close to my home. I live in So.Cal. If your looking for a good race in So. Cal. and have a vacation also check into the 27th Carlsbad Triathlon(do you do tri's?). It ranks in the world's top 5 longest tri's and is internationally recognized. It fills up fast and several people have told my daughter to do this one. It's 1k swim-25k bike- 5k run. Thanks again for the links, Debbie :)


Great job! As you can tell, Louise is quite a runner....when you are ready to get running (runners hate the "J" word!), let me know. I've coached quite a few people from nothing to walking to running. My best advice is to start out for a run...walk when necessary, turn around at 10 minutes and head back. When you can run the whole 20 minutes, you're off to a good start.
Congratulations again!


Good for you Debbie! Well done. My hubby is already talking about entering me in the Bridge to Brisbane race/walk 10 km. I think I'll be happy if I can walk upstairs in a couple of weeks. I have been somewhat exercise averse all my life ....so far.

You go girl!!:D
Debbie said:
If your looking for a good race in So. Cal. and have a vacation also check into the 27th Carlsbad Triathlon(do you do tri's?). It ranks in the world's top 5 longest tri's and is internationally recognized. It fills up fast and several people have told my daughter to do this one. It's 1k swim-25k bike- 5k run.

Hi Debbie,

I haven't done any triathalons, I'm not a strong swimmer and my fear of open water is not easily overcome. I don't even like to go out on the lake when the water is choppy and that's in a little flat bottom fishing boat. :eek: I ran the Suzuki Rock N Roll Marathon in San Diego, June 1998, the inaugural run, benefitting the Leukemia Society. San Diego is beautiful!
Right On!!!!!!!

Right On!!!!!!!


That is so awesome!!! I cant wait to see pics!! And forget Ricky Bobby..."if you aint last .....your first" !!!!! Maybe something new like that, I dont know. But hey CONGRATS DARLIN!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


Congratulations.... I am happy for you and wish you many more successful races in the years to come.

Fantastic achievment

Fantastic achievment

Congratulations. You must be ecstatic. The first of many achievments.
From Fiona in Australia


Thanks again everyone, I posted a few pic's on another thread if you want to see. I already have my next race planned on May 3rd. It is a run through our beautiful vineyards in the wine country of Temecula, anyone want to come walk with me??? Let me know Debbie :)


Hey, I was considering Disnaeyland Half Marathon Labor Day weekend. I ran the inaugural in 2006, 4 months before my surgery. Want to join me????
Great achievement Deb, you are an inspiration to us.
I am waiting for my turn. Its a 8 kilometre walk around a small lake in Melbourne. Its called "The Million Paws walk" cos its a day out to raise money for animals. I could not walk it with my dog last year as I was pre valve replacement and short of breath. This time I am going to give my two valves a run for my money..