I did a very crazy thing for my birthday..

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Well-known member
Apr 30, 2006
I got a tattoo..

I have been joking about it for years.. I have had 4 c sections exploratory surgery, my gall bladder removed, an ovary removed, OHS, plus donated bone marrow.. my body has lots of tattoos that I didn't put there!
So I decided to give myself one!
I figure at my age.. there aint that much pretty left..so I put a pretty sunflower on my back/shoulder..
Dh and I went in the the tattoo parlor jus to look around and I walked out with it!
I haven't even told my kids yet.. Well I told my oldest son who thought it was hysterical:confused:
my younger ones will see it eventually..
Thats great! My Mom,who is 63 got a small one on her hip last year. It was
funny because she called my younger sis and left a message asking where
a good tatoo 'store' was. My sis still has that recording to this day:D
I STILL haven't gotten one because I wanted to lose some more weight
first...it'll be my reward.
Anyway..Congratulations,I love a free spirit-Dina
Sorry I'm a little late in wishing you a very Happy Birthday but better late than never they say! Hope you have many, many more!

and congratulations on your tatoo!!!
Good for you!!! I want to get a tattoo as well. Don't think it's in the cards for this Coumadin user.

Post a picture!
Good for you Marky

I got a tattoo on my ankle when I was 42, I went with my daughter and we both got them on our ankles. Mine is a blue bird and my daughter's in a unicorn.

Good for you Marky. I too have been tatted. I got a snail on my right shoulder (both my kids watched) when I was around 40, then another (heart with wings) on my left breast in memory of my mom in 2003. :)
Good for you Marky.............nothing like doing something on the spare of the moment......it really does something for the soul.

I'm jealous :)
You know what they say about tattoos. You get one and you get hooked. Congrats on yours. I got my first one when I was 22 and told myself, that I will not get another. I am 35 now and have 17 of them. My fav. one is of my three boys faces tattooed on my leg.