I am tired?I still need my naps!

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Active member
Mar 22, 2009
Moravia NY, USA
Went back to work part-time at 8 weeks. Eased into full time by post op week 12.

Now at 16 weeks I am absolutely exhausted by Friday, and wind up taking 3 ? 4 hour naps on Saturday and Sunday to catch up! I typically sleep 7 - 8 hours each night. Seems to be an accumlation factor of not getting naps throughout the week(s).

My job is not physical or stressful. Other than this fatigue?I really feel fantastic! No aches and pains. My sternum has healed beautifully. I am physically able to do most of what I used to (walk several miles for my exercise, dance, work in the garden, paint walls, household chores, etc.)

I don?t feel I?m over doing anything. I have been trying to lower my expectations of what I can accomplish in a day, and am choosing things of enjoyment versus.?have to dos?. My motto lately has been ?I am trying to live 45 mph in a 65 mph world!? I sit and read, watch the birds, catch a movie on HBO. Never made time for that stuff before.

Today I renegotiated w/ my boss to take a 2-hour nap in the middle of the day. (I work in a hotel ?lucky me...we have vacant beds mid week! So that worked out great !!!)

I?m posting just because I?d love to hear other people?s experience of being tired. I know we?re all different, and I accept that what I?m experiencing is perfectly normal. I just like to commiserate!!!!
Not to worry darlin'! I'm 3 years post-up & I still need my naps!! :p

Seriously, if you feel you need to take a nap & your employer will accomodate you, then do it. My Gawd, if you are dancing, painting, gardening, etc., then a nap is an absolute must! I don't think there's anything abnormal other than your body just telling you to slow down some & rest! :)
Not to worry darlin'! I'm 3 years post-up & I still need my naps!! :p

Seriously, if you feel you need to take a nap & your employer will accomodate you, then do it. My Gawd, if you are dancing, painting, gardening, etc., then a nap is an absolute must! I don't think there's anything abnormal other than your body just telling you to slow down some & rest! :)

Welcome aboard and happy for you. You are doing great.

I agree with NJean and add to it that I still need some naps during the week and I am 9 months post surgery. It is normal fory our body to demand rest.

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