husband's avr surgery 10/3

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My husband is having his surgery on Friday. It's been 3 months since the incident that determined OHS. We're both looking forward to having it over with. I'm nervous about surgery date and my ability to keep it together. We need to leave the house at 5:15 am. Any suggestions?
Keep smiling and a positive attitude- at least until you kiss him goodbye at the doors to the OR- you can fall apart in the waiting room. I hope you can have a friend or family member wait it out with you. Bring something to read (you can try to concentrate) or something to keep your hands busy if you are into needlecrafts, a cell phone to call family and friends and your email list if the hospital provides computers.
I just know that you both will do fine and be back here before you know it to report all good results.
My husband said that when he said goodbye to me at the OR doors, I dug my fingers into his arm and wouldn't let go.
They had to pry his arm away from me. (I was already drugged).

Don't worry too much if your hubby looks frail when he is in ICU. We all look like that.
The wires and tubes come out within 2-3 days and then it's alot easier to deal with.
Best wishes.
Keep the positive pleasant hopeful attitude and you both shall be fine. Think of the better quality life you shall have together after the surgery. My husband kept joking with me even though he is not the joker type and was uptight inside, yet it helped me a lot and here I am doing very well, extremely well, and it is not a month yet since my surgery. You shall be in my prayers.
Suggestions? It sounds like you're trying to keep calm and I think that is really important. I liked what Phyllis wrote.

I was trying to think of something you haven't read/heaven't heard and I remember my husband said that he didn't realize the wait would be so long in the surgical waiting room, which caused him extra unnecessary worry -- I was fine but valve surgery is not a quick thing of course; I think my husband said mine was over six hours. Maybe you can find out if and/or when a nurse or doctor will be able to come out and talk with you and share an update. Be prepared for a long day at any rate. My sons and in-laws waited with my husband.

Somehow, our large families shared the hospital surgical waiting room phone number with each other and I think he got several calls, which I don't think he minded for the most part. I don't think he used his mobile phone inside the hospital.

Hoping all goes well. Best wishes to you and your husband :) .
Wishing you the BEST!

Wishing you the BEST!

Everyone already wrote some really good suggestions for you....

From my side of it I can tell you that AVR surgery was the best thing to happen to me...I had NO idea HOW sick I was. I felt soooooo much better from the moment I was able to walk....there was just more oxygen in my system and I still feel great!

I wish you and your Hubby a smooth time with this whole're going to have a healthier hubby now.

My husband told me the first time you see you're loved one in ICU it kinda takes you back....but by day 2 it's amazing how much better we're doing and awake and all....

Sleepling in a recliner was the best advice I got from VR...I slept that way for 2-3 weeks and had very little discomfort.

Stay strong!
:D:D Like you have been told in many of the previous posts, just keep an upbeat tone. Try and get someone (family member or friend) to sit with you. Conversation keeps you mind active and the time seems to pass quickly. Try to get an estimate on the length of time for his surgery (but allow a little extra time) My husband was really quite surprised that my surgery lasted only 3 hours total. Don't forget we are hear and we have your back. My prayers are with you and your hubby for his surgery and quick recovery.
Read as much of the positive stuff on this website as you can, keep reminding yourself and your husband about the people on this site who are doing so well, living normal and better lives now after surgery.
Well, good luck with surgery on Friday!

I am scheduled in 2 weeks.
Welcome to the site :) . Hope all goes well for your surgery too.

You could also go to Pre-op and begin a new thread about it if you like.
Well, good luck with surgery on Friday!

I am scheduled in 2 weeks.

Yes, Welcome. Please start a thread in pre-surgery to introduce yourself and let us know your surgery date if you have one- we like to give you a big welcome!;)