How normal is this?

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I'm 5 1/2 weeks post op and I'm wondering if the 'noise' or sensation I'm 'feeling' in my sternum is normal. I know that your sternum cracking and popping isn't good, so I don't think it is as extreme as that. I've got really bad allergies and I'm having to sniffle when I sniffle deep and quick, I feel this soft popping in my sternum. It doesn't hurt...just annoying. Also, if I move my arms up and down in a shaking motion (like when I make my daughters bottles and shake them up), I also feel the soft popping sensation in my chest. Is this normal? I mentioned it to my cardiologist and the surgeon's nurse at my 4 week check-up and they said that my sternum was secure and that it was probably the fact that my sternum is starting to grow back together. Does this sound right?

Just looking for any feedback...especially if anyone has experienced this sensation.

Thanks in advance!
You'll get a lot of responses on this one quickly. I had it for a little while, but I know there are lot of people who continue to have sternum "popping" many years after surgery. It just seems to be a factor of how it heals.
I'm 2 years out and I still get the occasional sound of "knuckles cracking" out of my sternum. It usually happens if I jerk suddenly, such as having a big sneeze.


Hi Doug,

I'm almost 20 months post-op, and I still get the little pops when I sneeze or have a big stretch when I yawn. Sometimes it's very slightly painful for a minute or two. Most times it's just weird to hear the noises. I attribute it to the cartilage around the sternum and ribs. It gets moved quite a bit when they open you up. I don't think it's anything to worry about.
