How do you all deal with pain?

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Betty I'm so sorry you are having so much trouble with constant pain. Hugs and prayers are coming your way.

I too live with constant pain. I probably will until I can get my knees replaced. I also have inner bone pain from the CML. I live on Advil and I take a Darvocet every once in a while. It does seem light the night time is the worse. During the day I can stay pretty busy but at night it's something else.

I'm also going to look into the inflammatory foods. Just might work.
MelissaM said:
My surgery sister! So sorry to hear you are in all kinds of pain and experiencing all kinds of frustration!

Have you considered an anti-inflammatory diet, trying to minimize your pain from the inside out? I just started a macro-biotic diet, a very anti-inflammatory, grain-based diet. One of the first things I noticed was a reduction of joint pain, better flexibility, and overall reduction of inflammatory responses. If you want to look into macro, there is a great book called "The Hip Chick's Guide to Macrobiotics."

There are certain foods that are considered to be inflammatory, and others that are considered to be anti-inflammatory. Dairy products, in particular, can be very inflammatory when it comes to joints and such, so if you didn't want to go whole-hog, you could cut down on the dairy.
You might check into it and see what adjustments might be feasible for your lifestyle.

For more info, you can search Google on 'Anti-inflammatory diet':

Can the Foods You Eat Make a Difference in Chronic Pain?

Thalnk you Melissa,

I have had a lot of joint and nerve pain ever since my OHS in April. I have not been able to find out what is causing it, maybe they think it is all in my head, but they are wrong. My feet tingle all the time and do not allow me to sleep, my right hand swells and hurt from my finger tips to my shoulder,
I amy going to try this diet, sure can't hurt and maybe it will help.

Thanks for the information.
knightfan2691 said:

Tom ... I'm always careful :).

Actually you really think I believe that? I am glad you are home and back on the board. I missed you. Remember, I was there when your avatar picture you taken!
bvdr said:
Actually you really think I believe that?

LOL!!!!! My dearest Betty, you should ;). He he he

bvdr said:
I am glad you are home and back on the board. I missed you.

Ahhh...thank you! I missed you as well. Sure hope we are able to meet again one day :).

bvdr said:
Remember, I was there when your avatar picture you taken!

Oh my ... I DO remember that :). That was, what, the VR Reunion in Chicagoland in 2003? Or, was that a year later in October 2004 in Colorado? I believe it was in Chicago, but am not 100% sure.....
I had acupuncture for many years to treat my sciatica. It was very effective. I went from having 24/7 pain to having an occasional pain once or twice a year. Initially I had to go three times each week then twice, then once, then every two weeks, three weeks and finally four weeks.

I went until I had my stroke last year, now I cannot afford to go any more but, touching wood. I haven't had any sciatica worth noting since that time.


My son had a tremendous amount of nerve pain after his OHS (balloon heart pump and triple bypass). Lyrica was the only thing that helped him. He took 300 mg/day and 2 additional pain killers at night. I agree that if you don't sleep at night, then coping during the day is almost impossible. He took this regimen for almost 4 months. His nerve pain has gone away recently and he no longer takes the Lyrica.

I wish you the best.
sue943 said:
I had acupuncture for many years to treat my sciatica. It was very effective. I went from having 24/7 pain to having an occasional pain once or twice a year. Initially I had to go three times each week then twice, then once, then every two weeks, three weeks and finally four weeks.

I went until I had my stroke last year, now I cannot afford to go any more but, touching wood. I haven't had any sciatica worth noting since that time.

How did you end up choosing acupuncture? Did you know others who had had it done? I know it has been around for centuries but I'm not sure anyone does it locally but again I've never inquired either. How long before you noticed some relief? I'm glad you aren't having the sciatica anymore. I've been through that and know how painful that is.
Susan BAV said:
Hi Betty -

Regarding pain, I was thinking of a couple of things:

1) Tiger Balm (Can you use that while on Coumadin? My mom swears by it for her RA and Fibromyalgia.)

2) Acupuncture

Hoping you find some healthy relief. You must have your sleep for optimal health.

Susan, I picked up some Tiger Balm patches yesterday and went to be last night with them on four different areas along the nerve root and I found them very soothing. I even liked the smell. Thanks
briansmom said:
My son had a tremendous amount of nerve pain after his OHS (balloon heart pump and triple bypass). Lyrica was the only thing that helped him. He took 300 mg/day and 2 additional pain killers at night. I agree that if you don't sleep at night, then coping during the day is almost impossible. He took this regimen for almost 4 months. His nerve pain has gone away recently and he no longer takes the Lyrica.

I wish you the best.

I have not heard of Lyrica but will Google it and see what I find. Thanks for the suggestion.
(Added later)
I've now looked it up and will bring it up to my PMD next time I see him....thanks again.
have you had a chance to check the pain forum? they have lts of info on accupuncture and lyrica.
i'm still trying to decide what to do next, i had an epidural tues and it hasn't been much help, Lyn
bvdr said:
I have not heard of Lyrica but will Google it and see what I find. Thanks for the suggestion.
(Added later)
I've now looked it up and will bring it up to my PMD next time I see him....thanks again.

Well, I guess I'm on the right track with the Lyrica.