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Hard for me to belive got discharged and home last night. My incision very sore and expect it to be for a while to come but managable. I was able to get my first full shower this morning it took a good deal of effort but sure made me feel better. Now just sitting back relaxing and felt like going surfing on the net and wanted to give you guys an update and tell you how much i apprecate the information and support you all shared. I can say after speaking with a couple of other heart patients while i was in the hospital I was much more prepared due to this site.....Thank You
Glad to hear you are home. That is a great feeling isn't it? I hope every day is good for you. Uphill now! Thanks for posting. Look forward to hearing from you when you can. Rest!
Welcome to the other side of the mountain, and welcome home! Glad to read that you felt armed with knowledge from VR when you were in the hospital. I hope the incision doesn't cause you too much discomfort. Please post more about your surgery when you feel up to it.

Best wishes for a smooth recovery!

Glad to hear your home "d".
Remember now, one day at a time and don't over do things.
Keep an eye on that incision; I don't remember mine being sore, but you don't want it to get infected.

Best Wishes.
Welcome home!
You are indeed lucky to have found VR.com before surgery. I only found it after, so I was able to be totally freaked out for the first few months.....it all takes time. Rest often.
So glad to hear you are home & I hope you have a wonderful recovery! Be kind to yourself & don't try to take on more than you can. Slow & easy does it. You'll see your strength come back day by day! Take care! :)
Welcome Home. Hope you continue to have a smooth, easy recovery.

I agree that reading here made a huge difference.
Hi and welcome home!! Best wishes for a continued easy recovery. Take care, Dawn-Marie
welcome home, relax and recuperate. walk - breathe - walk - breathe.........
the soreness will get better.

Know the shower made you feel so gooooood......

Glad to hear you are home (no place like home). Hope your recovery keeps running smooth. Yes I remember the first time I got to take when I came home.
AH, LA, LA. :rolleyes:
Amazing, aint it

Amazing, aint it

Showers are something we take for granted. I had one in the hospital on day 4 or 5. Almost kissed the RN when she suggested it. Did another the next day. Couldn't help it. It was calling me back.
REST, WALK and BREATHE. Thats your job for the next few weeks. Improvements come slow but before long, you are at 2 months and wonder where the pain went.
Welcome to this side.