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Bradley White

Well-known member
Apr 22, 2006
South Bend, IN
Hello Everyone,

I think I am most likely just being paranoid, but I wanted to run this by you all and see if you had any insights. I woke up yesterday morning with hives all over my body and somewhat swollen fingers. I had been to red Lobster the night before and ate some seafood fondue item and had a an upset stomach -- thus, I attributed the hives to an allergic reaction to some part of the seafood dish. I took benadryl all day and the hives (and itching) were kept under control. I figured they would just go away as I passed the causative food through my body.

I know people get things like this all the time, but it kind of worried me because I am not allergic to anything! I have no allergies (or at least I did not think I did). I have never had hives before, nothing. So i went to bed, assuming that i would wake up and things would look better. However, when I woke up this morning all of the hives were still there, along with the swollen fingers! I know this may be completely irrational, and please let me know if it is, but is it possible that I am having an immune reaction against the aortic homograft that they put in 3 weeks ago??? Or maybe the staples they used???? I know I have a lot of other "new" things in my life (detergent, soap, etc) because I have been staying with my parents for the last few weeks as I recover, so it is difficult if not impossible, to determine the cause. Should I be worrried?? call the doctor??

Any input would be helpful. Thanks,

Call the doctor.
It's possible that it's a medication side-effect, but let the surgeon, or cardio, decide that. Whatever it is, you need to get it figured it out. Please don't wait until tomorrow, because then you're getting too close to the holiday week-end (again).
Mary's right. You don't want to get on the wrong side of the holiday weekend.

It's not likely that you are reacting to the homograft. Perhaps the donor was allergic to shrimp? (kidding...just kidding...)

You could have a spider bite or some non-associated reaction. You could very well be reacting to a medication. Did you change medications or your source (pharmacy) recently? Bring your prescriptions and pills to ensure they were properly filled with the correct drugs at the the proper strengths.

Keep us in the loop, Bradley.

Best wishes,
Yep - call the doctor or, better yet, go see him so he can see what's happening. Chances are it is the food or something in it but, if you have eaten the same thing in the past without reaction, then you need to figure out what's going on. Allergic reactions can continue to get worse.


*Hi Brad, It sounds to me as though, unless you started a new medication in the last couple of days, you are having a reaction to the seafood. It seems that even if we have eaten a certain food many times, we can have a reaction to it ''suddenly''...especially seafood and nuts (from what Iv read,...somewhere). You should probably at least speak to your doc. Hope it all works out well for you. Best Wishes...Jacqui.
My best friend's husband was on Torprol for high blood pressure for more than 18 months before he had a reaction to it. Out of the blue, he broke out in an itchy rash that got worse and worse, before he stopped taking all his meds. They waited a week, then restarted each one individually, and when the Torprol was restarted, he immediately had a reaction. Anyway, I wouldn't try to second guess if it'is food or medication; I'd just get it looked into.


Hi Everyone,

I went into see my PCP and, of course, they did not know what was causing the hives. They said they looked pretty bad so they gave me a steroid injection in the office and have prescribed me steroids and something called Histex for 6 days, at which point I am supposed to follow-up, with instructions to go to the emergency room if things got any worse.

Interesting note about your friend Mary. I am currently only on Toprol (50 mg/day) and a baby aspirin. I had been on Toprol for about a year so I didn't think that is what could be causing it, but based on your friend's story it is possible. Hopefully it's not the meds and it will just go away within the next few days. I sure hope so. Thanks for the advice everyone.

I have only had time..when our first dog (Hubby/Me)bought him shortly after we were married. he was killed in our driveway at age 12 years by a garbageman that was flying down our long driveway.:eek: Didn't even slow down when he entered the larger part of our yard..where my 2 young kids were playing........I got so stressed out and the next morning awoke with the hives..from my neck to my toes...STRESS.......Have you been under undue stress?..Bonnie
Hi Brad,

I sure was glad to get down to the post where you had seen your PCP and they were initiating treatment for you!

You can't fool around with something like really need to get treatment in case it gets worse and you get into breathing difficulties.

Hope the meds make you feel better soon.
Bradley White said:
Hi Everyone,

Interesting note about your friend Mary. I am currently only on Toprol (50 mg/day) and a baby aspirin. I had been on Toprol for about a year so I didn't think that is what could be causing it, but based on your friend's story it is possible. Hopefully it's not the meds and it will just go away within the next few days. I sure hope so. Thanks for the advice everyone.


I broke out in hives from toprol on day 2 of taking it!

Just wanted to add that it does sound like a seafood allergy.. jmho
There is a type of allergic reaction that isn't triggered until the substance has built up to a certain level. I think it's called IGG reaction. When my oldest was born, I was put on Timentin IV in the hospital, then went home with Augmentin. About day 4 or 5 at home, I started having hives and my eyelids were swelling. I didn't associate it with the medicine because I had been on it for over a week, but when I took the next dose, the hives intensified. I was referred to an Allergist to test for a possible allergy to Penicillin, which I had been on for most of my life, since that is the main ingredient of Augmentin. Thankfully, I did not test as allergic to Penicillin and have had various forms of it since then without a problem. The doctor called it an "IGG" (I think) reaction to Clavulinic Acid, the second ingredient in Augmentin. The other thing that caused me to have hives was Prednisone, also after I had been on it for some time - more than a few months - which is interesting, because steroids are often given to "cure" hives.

I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't the seafood, but it could also be the Toprol or stress. Chances are your immune system is pretty low right now, which could cause weird things to happen. If the hives again get worse, call the doctor because it's obviously not the seafood!
I am very glad that you got the steroids. I had lots of sinus infections when I was your age. My ENT put me on some ceclor, and stupidly, my GP at the time already had me on some kind of cephlasporin (both antibiotics). I broke out in hives. They took months and months to go away. I actually got married with hives beneath my wedding dress. I had several courses of steroids. Eventually, they only would come back after a hot shower or heightened stress. My oldest child turns out to also be allergic to the same drugs (again, were we stupid to give them to him or what??) DOnt be discouraged if you are having small breakouts for awhile.

I also had a very bad reaction to some injected contrast dye at that age and I remember looking in my rear view mirror as my eyes swelled shut...found a phone and called the only doctor I trusted at the time and he screamed at me to go back inside and get a shot of antihisitimine or whatever...... It's scary stuff, reactions. Take care and go slow.

Call the restaurant and find out exactly what seafood items were in the dish you ate. DO NOT eat any more of those items!! :eek: :p

Check the literature on the meds you are taking. I'm on a beta blocker, Atenolol, and I remember it saying that it can intensify allergies. Perhaps you had sensitivities that you didn't know about and the meds still in your system from the surgery, or meds you are currently on have the same effect....they heighten your sensitivity.

Good luck with all of this. It will calm down.

:) Marguerite
Thanks for all the info Marguerite and Lisa,

I got the injection and the the six steroid pills and all the hives have disappeared. I'm not sure if they are really gone, or if the steroids are just masking them, but anyway I feel much less like a leper and am not itchy constantly -- both good things. I am going back up to Indiana tomorrow (I am currently staying with my parents in Tampa FL). So if it is anything in the house, I should be ok cause I will be getting away from it. I am going to be leaving this great weather though. Ugh.
Growing up in Tampa I never realized how good we have it. I always took 70 degree days in December and January for granted. Having lived in the midwest now for almost 6 years, I really do savor every minute spent down here in the winter (summer is a different story of course)!


Good that you are ok now.

I know what you mean about the Tampa weather. I lived in Arcadia for 20 years, then moved to the Fl panhandle. We had 17 degrees in early December for a weekend! ugh But then we had a week of 70s and above. Cold and freezing this weekend, but today in the 70s again! Times like this I pine for good old Arcadia.
Definitely sounds like an allergic reaction to something (I know...duh). Before they diagnosed my endocarditis I had prostate/bladder problems and my doctor put me on Septra DS for 2 weeks. It took 7-8 days before I had an allergic reaction from the Septra, but when it happened there was no doubt that I was having an allergic reaction to the Septra (already had a family history of allergy to sulfa meds but had never taken one myself). Also, my mom has never been allergic to seafood, but after entertaining guests at the beach and preparing seafood or going out for seafood every night for a week she started to have an allergic reaction from eating large quantities of seafood. As long as she doesn't eat a lot of seafood she can still eat it without having a reaction. My dad also had an allergic reaction from eating a large quantity of peaches in a few days. Again, he can still eat peaches as long as he doesn't overindulge. Hopefully this will turn out to be a minor blip in your recovery. I agree with Bob that the chances of you having an immune reaction to your homograph is practically zero.

If it's a one time temporary thing the steroids will take care of it and the hives shouldn't return. If they return after you have finished your steroid regimine then you need to see your doctor again to find the root cause of the allergic reaction you're having.
Brad. I'm glad you are feeling better. I agree with Brian about following up with a doctor if the hives return. In my experience, though, as I mentioned, I would just get one or two on my chest every now and then for a long time, but not a full blown break-out.

So you're going back to school, I guess. Please stay in tune with your body and rest accordingly. I know it's tough (my oldest is in his 2nd year PhD program in Economics.....I know!!!) because you have a ton of work to do, but you really really need to allow your body its due rest and recovery. Make sure your friends understand and don't be pressured to push yourself beyond your current tolerances. You're young, and your strength will improve dramatically over time. But when you feel that feeling.....that weight of tiredness......honor it and put things aside and rest. Your heart will thank you for it!! :D

Take care and keep us posted on how you are doing, when you can!

Best of luck!!

:) Marguerite