High INR and Clots, is that possible?

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Hi Everyone,

I havent had a double vision episode in ages, my INR is almost always around 4.0-4.3, i take 10mg a day, i try to manage it by eating more greens so i dont have to mess with my Coumadin dosgage.

Either way, my INR is up there and today i was at the airport and i felt the double vision coming on, it was only for about 10 seconds but enough to scare the crap out of me.

I thought if you have a high INR or theraputic INR your blood wouldnt clot causing whatever it is to give you double vision?

I also started blood pressure medicine last week called Diovan and ive lost about 5 lbs in 5 days because its a diaretic (sorry about spelling).

Most of the day i have been fine since my episode this AM and i remember seeing other folks on the board say they have those occurnences now and then.

Im just a little lost on what could have caused it.

Any ideas anyone?
Hi Tommy,

I have had double-vision from time to time however, I haven't had an episode for quite some time now. And I know how scary it can be when it happpens. One time I had one while I was driving into work & I had to pull my car over until it passed! :eek:

I have mentioned these episodes to my doctors but they have never been able to give me an explanation as to what may have triggered them. I usually just check it off to one more unknown phenomenon that I've experienced.

Keep track of them & mention them to your doctor when you see him.

And I don't think it would have anything to do w/your INR but I could be wrong.
Are you thinking the double vision was a clot based TIA (transient ischemic attack)?

It's possible, but it could have been many other things.

Joe had numerous TIAs. Some when he was below therapeutic range, some when he was higher than therapeutic range and some when he was right on target.

When I queried his doctors about TIAs and "how could he be having those when his INR was on target or even higher"--the answer I got was that not all TIAs are clot based. Some are plaques cast off either the valve, or blood vessels, some could be cholesterol cast off from the blood vessels or organs, etc.

BTW, he also had a couple of areas of infarction on his spleen which could have been TIAs. So they are not all in your eyes or head.

Again, your symptoms could be from other things, and may not be a TIA at all.

I think you should call your doctor and let him/her try to figure out what is causing these episodes.
Whenever I get a 'visual disturbance', I chew a regular 325 mg Aspirin, with my Cardio's blessing.

With an INR of 4.0 or higher, I would definitely want to check that out with my Cardio before chewing a full aspirin.
Im not sure, im hoping it was the Diovan or something like that, i dont have bad chloresterol so im not sure what would have caused it.
I have been drinking alcohol a bit more than usual but i dont think that would have done it.
Im making a appointment with my cardio soon so hopefully he can figure out whats up...

Are you thinking the double vision was a clot based TIA (transient ischemic attack)?

It's possible, but it could have been many other things.

Joe had numerous TIAs. Some when he was below therapeutic range, some when he was higher than therapeutic range and some when he was right on target.

When I queried his doctors about TIAs and "how could he be having those when his INR was on target or even higher"--the answer I got was that not all TIAs are clot based. Some are plaques cast off either the valve, or blood vessels, some could be cholesterol cast off from the blood vessels or organs, etc.

BTW, he also had a couple of areas of infarction on his spleen which could have been TIAs. So they are not all in your eyes or head.

Again, your symptoms could be from other things, and may not be a TIA at all.

I think you should call your doctor and let him/her try to figure out what is causing these episodes.
I get blurred/double vision every few months. From what I understand, mechanical valves damage the blood, causing tiny clots to form. Warfarin keeps these tiny clots from joining together and forming a big clot. Sometimes these tiny clots block a tiny vessel causing visual disturbances. That's extremely simplified, and may not be exactly accurate, but when my doctor explained it to me, that's how I interpreted it.
My double-vision stuff was put down to low blood pressure ( I was often 100/60 or lower)...have you checked yours since starting the Diovan?...The 5lb loss sounds like you were carrying alot of excess water there....that must be a good feeling to get rid of that.
If you took enough warfarin to eliminate blood clots, you would bleed to death in a matter of hours. Warfarin slows the ability to form clots. It does not eliminate the ability to form clots.

That said, my guess would be to look at what changed in your life. Adding a drug like Diovan would be a good guess as to where to start. If it is not controlling your blood pressure, the cause of the double vision could be high blood pressure. But if you took too much Diovan then the cause could be low blood pressure. If it happens again and you can get your blood pressure measured while it is happening, it will help your doctor figure out the cause.
His weight loss is bothering me. 12.5 mg of the diuretic in Diovan isn't going to cause you to lose that much weight. It's hardly enough to get you to even pee.
Reminder: Home blood pressure machines cost around $70.00 a small price to pay for something so important.
My doc is thrilled when I call him to discuss a symptom and I can right away give him my BP readings.
Are you thinking the double vision was a clot based TIA (transient ischemic attack)?

It's possible, but it could have been many other things.

Joe had numerous TIAs. Some when he was below therapeutic range, some when he was higher than therapeutic range and some when he was right on target.

When I queried his doctors about TIAs and "how could he be having those when his INR was on target or even higher"--the answer I got was that not all TIAs are clot based. Some are plaques cast off either the valve, or blood vessels, some could be cholesterol cast off from the blood vessels or organs, etc.

BTW, he also had a couple of areas of infarction on his spleen which could have been TIAs. So they are not all in your eyes or head.

Again, your symptoms could be from other things, and may not be a TIA at all.

I think you should call your doctor and let him/her try to figure out what is causing these episodes.

I agree. Several years ago I had what was diagnosed as a transient ischemic colon and my INR at the time was what I consider perfect for me...a 4.0.


Thanks for all the good info... i noticed the weight drop fast, i also was feeling a bit shakey...

One thing im starting to notice here is that the last time i had any weird type of vision issues i was on Toprol XL, i stopped my BP medicine (doc said it was ok) and havent had a issue, i start the new BP Med (Diovan) and all of a sudden i have a vision issue again.

My eyes have been very sensitive to bright light ALL weekend since this happened again, im wondering if maybe something in the BP drugs can be doing something that could make my vision sensitive to light...

I will def let my doc know all of this and thanks to everyone who gave me this great information.

It does sound like it might be medication-related. I was on an antiarrhythmic many years ago that made my eyes very sensitive to light.


Ok, so i got home from my trip this morning and first thing i wanted to do was test my INR levels, they are a whopping 5.8, keep in mind i have done nothing different than start taking Diovan 80mg daily. My normal does of Coumadin is 10MG a day.
So the question is, should i just stop taking the Diovan (my blood pressure wasnt that bad) or should i decrease my Coumadin dose to 7.5 mg?
I cant get ahold of my doc and honestly ive bounced to so many different ones since my surgery i dont think any of them have a good knowledge of me and my Coumadin relationship. Typicall my levels are in the 4.1ish zone...

5.8 is not whopping. I saw one like that almost every day for 10 years. Serious events at this level are very rare. It needs a little tweek. Bina's advice sounds good.

If you start to bleed, go to the ER. Do not spend the day wiping your nose to look for blood. Worrying is worse than the condition.

I would not stop the Diovan without seeing a doctor first.
My eyes have been very sensitive to bright light ALL weekend since this happened again, im wondering if maybe something in the BP drugs can be doing something that could make my vision sensitive to light..

I have been sensitive to bright light ever since my MV replacement, and the only medication I take is coumadin.

Don't have anything helpful to add, but this thread has been very informative! I hope things back to "normal" (;)) for you soon.
I think that the light sensitivity is more related to the surgery than warfarin.


Good info, i have a call into my doc today...
Thanks everyone,