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Has anyone had hiccups for no reason since they've been home. Sometimes I have one or two, sometimes a whole spasm They usually aren't painful unless I get into the whole spasm thing. Mostly annoying. I would like things to settle down in my abdominal area and I feel like these hiccups just slow down the process. My appetite hasn't come back, yet. I've been more concerned with BMs every day. Any Suggestions?
I had some phrenic nerve irritation that had my voice bouncing when ever I would speak. It was like I was giggling while talking. Took about 3 weeks to finally stop. More than likely due to the chest tubes. Was kinda weird now that I think back about it. I suspect the hiccupping is along the same lines. Try to make sure you get enough water and fiber in your digestive tract. The last thing you need is straining.
Usually they provide stool softeners for you to take for a while. However, thre ain't no goezoutta without some goezinta, so, as Jeff said, liquids and fiber.

Also the second half of that is movement. You need to move yourself around to help things inside move around.

Also, look at your posture. You may be folding at the diaphragm, depending on how you're sitting. Try to keep your posture up.

Best wishes,
I had hiccups for 3 days after surgery. They attributed it to some sort of irritation to the diaphragm. They predicted the hiccups would stop a) after they took out the chest tube, b)after the narcotics wore off, c) after the diaphragm recovered from its irritation. My interim solution was to get as quiet as I could, stop breathing when a hiccup was due (I was hiccuping 27 times a minute, or once every 2 seconds or so), and when they seemed to be the least vigorous (smaller spasms) I would try to take 10 sips of water. If I didn't hiccup during the sips I would quietly put the water down, take a few shallow breaths and stay quiet. It is much easier to go to sleep when you don't have the hiccups...I drank a lot of water.
I realize this may be an unscientific solution, but it doesn't involve cayenne pepper, vinegar or standing on your head and it kept me hydrated...
The BM question is something I struggled with. Right now I weigh the same as I did when I went in, so I tell myself all that healthy food did not produce much solid waste. Suppositories work somewhat - better than waiting on gravity I suppose.


Aortic Valve Replacement on Dec 12
(Excellent) surgeon Dr J Garrett
surgery at Oklahoma Hear Hospital
Received a St Jude valve. I have the model and SN if interested
I had intermittent hiccups for a week or two after surgery; never a real run of them, but instead usually 1 at a time, often triggered by a yawn. Gone now!

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