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Well-known member
Nov 15, 2009
Willets-Ochre Hill NC, USA
I figured I'd check in. Things are pretty good. Sleeping o k. I'm still on the wound pump draining the cath site. Prob will be until at least the 15th when I see the Surgeon. The Home Health Nurse comes in every other day to change the suction pads and check on me. Family is keeping my 4 bird feeders full outside my living room window so I can keep my boids happy. I can really feel the difference with this new a-valve. I'm more alert and perked up. I still get tired in the afternoon and nap. I'm walking around inside the house as much as I can, still having to use the walker, but it's got wheels on the front and glides on the back so I scoot pretty good around the breakfast bar. The big thing is hold the wound pump for me. So I don't have to carry it around.
A big plus was I have dropped 35 pounds since discharge. I eat about 1/2 what I was eating prior to surgery. If you saw the pix of my leg over in the album. That was 3-4 times normal size. I'm now almost back to normal now. I can see a lot of difference in my face too. I'm looking forward to getting of this pump and then maybe being able to walk around outside in a couple of weeks. Thanks for the prayers folks, keep em coming. I feel them when they hit! It's a wundermous feeling. Thanks Friends Your Old Geezer from the Smokies, Rick
Hi Rick, it is so nice to read such a nice positive report. My husband has a great walker with four wheels, hand brakes, and a nice padded seat and padded back rest. He only sits on the seat when he is at his computer but, like you, he uses it to carry things. It actually also has a storage area under the seat that can be used for oxygen equipment or maybe a pump like yours. It is amazing how the right piece of equipment can make such a practical difference in day to day activities.
Hi, Rick, when you are free of the pump and can start walking around you will really start appreciating the difference in the valve. Getting tired in the afternoon is just part of the routine familiar to many of us but that will pass pretty quickly when you can get a little more exercise. Let us know how you are doing in a few days, Rick.

Hi Rick!

Sounds like your're doing grrrreat!!! You've got a terrific attitude! Look forward to the updates.