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Well, I just discovered the forum yesterday. Had my big operation four weeks ago tomorrow. Work on the treadmill daily and my first rehab visit is tomorrow also. Not feeling any symptoms, except a little pain here and there and some lightheadedness also. My only fear is that the sternum isn't healing properly.
Hi, Ken, and welcome!

We have several members from San Antonio, and we're always glad to meet more!

Why don't you feel the sternum is healing properly? Tell us what's going on, and we may be able to help. If you start a thread in post-surgery, and put your questions in the title, more people who've faced a similar issue are likely to respond.

Once again, welcome!
Hi Ken,

Welcome to this funny farm. The sternum does take some time to heal. If you have some specific problems you'd like post about, I'm certain there will be people with experience to offer their ideas.

Look forward to your posts. Go Spurs! (I am more of a baseball fan than basketball but I do get interested in the NBA playoffs, and root for Tim Duncan & Co there in San Antone.)

Hi Ken,

Welcome and post all the questions you have. Someone her at VR will have an answer..Sometimes you will get different answers. This place is great!
Hi Ken & welcome, hope you continue to do well with recovery, all the best.
Hi Guys,

Thanks for the kind words, Maybe I was too alarmist and I apologize for it. I'm a gym rat and I can't wait to get back to it. Nothing specific in my complaint, just an occasional shooting pain. I guess that is normal.
Hon, you're gonna have shooting pains here and there for a while. They cut muscle and nerves and stuff, and as it heals you get all sorts of little zaps. If you have backaches from the surgery, those last a while, too. The poor muscles get all abused on the op. table. ;) Every week is a little better.