Hematoma while on Warfarin

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VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Jul 6, 2001
Liverpool England
Hi folks
I am also looking for some info on Hematoma's (sp)

Last Monday while shopping I tripped over a broken pavement.
hurting my right ankle, and I landed on my left knee
(for the past three yrs I have had extensive surgery on the left leg and use a stick to walk)
So I went to the A&E and spent 7 hours waiting to be seen to
They xrayed the ankle and it was only sprained
The knee was not xrayed I did tell them I was on Warfarin as it had a small cut on it,but was told it was okay.

As the week progressed the knee began to swell more and became very painful
Today I visited my GP and he said I had a large Hematoma on the knee he gave me antibiotics Magnapen and I have to see him again on Monday
I asked could it be drained and he said only a surgeon could drain it.

I telephoned the warfarin Clinic and have an appointment also for monday, but was told if it got any worse to return to A&E

I wonder if it is advisable to get it drained and also why I am on antibiotics
the small cut on the knee is leaking a little blood (not much)
the pain is not too bad,
I am concerned as on March 3rd we are going on holiday and I hope it can be sorted by then,

Any advice would be welcome

Hi Jan

Can't give you any advice on your problem but hope that someone can come on to answer some of your questions. I just hope you get things sorted out before you go on holiday. Take care and keep us posted.
I'm not a doctor, but I do manage warfarin patients as a pharmacist. I do not think that getting it drained would do much good since the blood has probably clotted if it is not increasing in size. This is one of those hazards of warfarin. People get some pretty spectacular bruises. The antibiotics are probably a preventative measure since there is dead tissue around the clot and some bacteria may have been lurking inside your body waiting for something to happen. The antibiotics may affect the INR so it is good that you are getting it checked.
It will probably slow you down but if you are already walking with a stick, you are used to such inconveniences. My guess is that you will have a nice holiday.


Hi Al.
thanks for the reply, I went to the hospital on Monday and they did an xray on the knee.
The orthapedic Dr tried to drain it but got very little out of it, so it must have clotted as you said, also it has decreased in size.They also think I have cracked a bone in the ankle (not a sprain) so they put a small air splint on and it does feel more comfortable.

It will not spoil my holiday, I am looking forward to some Florida Sunshine



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