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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2006
Kilkenny, Ireland.
HI All, Last Friday my 15yr old son passed out right in front of me. We were sitting at the kitchen table having a ''slightly heated discussion''...just the parent trying to advise a 15yr old type of discussion. He didnt like what I was saying, but he wasnt saying much in reply (which I noticed, as he is usually very articulate and able to discuss stuff) when he started crying I ''knew'' something was up. Anway, after about 5 minutes he passed out, eyes rolled back and his head was jerking a bit. He was unresponsive for about 30 seconds. When he came to he said his heart was racing and he had chest pain. When I felt his chest his heart was well and truly racing...I couldnt count it, it was soo fast. Anway off to A&E where they 'eventually' put a monitor on and admitted him. Between 4am and 9am it recorded two episodes of 'shoel bursts of junctional rhythm' and 1 episode of tachycardia.
They gave him a prescription for a beta blocker and off home we went a few hours later. *Yesterday (monday) he had an echo done (cardio said it was normal, so I said do you mean ''absolutely normal'' and he said ''well 3valves are leaking but its ''mild'')and thismorning we went to see a cardio.....he said we should go home and STOP the beta blocker and he would organise an 'event monitor'....SOMETIME AFTER XMAS....WHAT...I said, ''what do we do in the meantime''...cardio said, ''feel free to come back to the hospital any time'' . *Im totally freaked son is depressed...his life has changed overnight, and now we are just waiting for ''it'' to happen again.Im frightened to leave him alone. Thomas, has explained to me that he feels his heartrate go up for ''everything'' so somedays he chooses not to speak to ANYONE so that way he cant get into any kind of situation that can set his heart off...even at home !! Recently he didnt speak to his sister for 2 weeks, I thought he was being a 'horrible teenage brother' but now I know why. He is very sad and crying a lot. This is heartbreaking for me (and Thomas Im sure) because he was such a happy chap.
*I hope this makes sense...Iv just come home from the cardio appointment and Im angry and sad all at the same time. Iv just made and app with my GP for 4oclock today to discuss this. My mind is own heart problems are enough to handle but when its your child......eeeek.
He was due to go to an IRON MAIDEN concert tomorrow but now IM scared to let him go. Should I let his life go on as normal...things certainly dont feel normal. Help !!!!
Don't stop his life for the condition when the condition is pretty much unknown. Don't take this the wrong way, but given his age, are you positive he's not taking some type of drugs or doing something stupid like inhaling paint or something along that line? The reason I ask is that I have another friend who's son displayed that same type of behavior and was found to be whiffing paint for a quick high. It nearly killed him.
So let me understand this - with the exception of passing out, he has been experiencing periods of rapid heart rate for a while, he just hasn't told you about it unitl now?

After reading that your discussion on Friday wasn't the first time this has happened to him, I'm wondering about something along the lines of Wolf Parkinson White Syndrome (WPW)

Because you have valve issues, I'm sure that's what everyone was thinking, but because they found his valves to be affected but only mildly, make sure they consider other things.

A son of friends of ours was diagnosed with WPW when he was a pre-teen. He had quite a bad case of it. Medication wasn't successful in controling his episodes, so they did a cardioablation that was successful. He never had another episode and that was 15 years ago.

Is the doctor aware of the other incidences that your son has told you about? If not, you need to call him today and tell him. Knowing that this wasn't a one-time occurance changes the picture for him.

There are a few things your son can do to try and stop the rapid heart rate when it occurs. One is to sit or squat and bear down like you would when having a bowel movement (or having a baby - but he wouldn't get that :) ) Another is to submerge his face in a bowel of icewater.

I used to have occasional episodes like that prior to my VR, but it was a product of my nasty mitral valve and not an electrical issue, so there was nothing they could ablade for me. After many years, I had an incident of it a month or so ago - right after getting my flu shot. I did the bearing down techinique and it took several attempts for it to stop. (Understand that these techniques will not always stop it.)

Impress upon your son that he needs to tell you when these things happen. Not telling you, or ignoring it, isn't going to make it go away. Tell him that keeping you appraised of this is going to help you and the doctors solve the problem so that his life can return to normal.

As for the concert - on the one hand you want him to know that this isn't going to destroy his life. But on the other hand, he's just filled you in on a situation that you are not sure the extent of the problem to the point where you can send him off to the concert without worry. If it were me, I'd probably err on the side of safety and have him skip the concert this time. If he's afraid of what his friends will say, he can always tell them he's had the flu or something.
I'm naive. Ross mentions something that you should consider - that being his symptoms are being brought on by something your son is doing that is dangerous.

Unlike Ross - I'd still not do the concert thing this time. But also know that it really was a toss up on my thinking. I don't know your son, so making an informed suggestion is impossible.
Hi Ross.......

Hi Ross.......

*Hi Ross, When we went to A&E on Friday night, the first thing they did was 1.ask Thomas about substance abuse and 2. take blood and urine to check for stuff...all were clear. He is a really good kid...absolutely no alcohol, cigs, or drugs. Has NEVER been in any kind of trouble etc. He keeps a very tight schedule...doesnt go into town at, home, friends over, that sort of thing. About 6ish months ago he started to experience fast heartbeat and chest pain, so I took him to the doc. He wore a holter monitor for 24 hours which showed 2 episodes of h.rate 140 and 165....he wasnt aware of it either time ?? He seems only to be aware when he gets chest pain with it?? We had the app with the cardio pre-arranged because of that, so when they released him on Saturday they said to keep the app Tuesday!!! I appreciate your comment....any more ideas as to what should be done ?
Great replies so far. Sorry the doctors have put you in such a state. As the mother of 3, 19,22 and 24, I can tell you, I would be hysterical about the whole thing about now..... Stay focused, press onward for answers. Don't let them make you back down. I don't like that cardio's behavior at all.

As for the he going with a friend? Is that friend (or one of them) responsible enough to keep an eye on him? To dash his experience at a long awaited concert does not seem advisable. However, you don't want him passing out with no attention, either.

Perhaps this is a great time to sit down and talk with him about drugs. Tell him that you are reluctant to have him go to this concert given his recent black-out because you fear he might be persuaded to try some drugs for the concert. Make sure you emphasize that the very same symptoms can occur as the ones he's been experiencing. By talking calmly, you may be able to draw out some info about any untoward behavior. When a teen is NOT feeling pressured, or judged, or threatened (like --- if you're doing drugs you'll be grounded, or lose huge priveleges, or other nasty things to a kid.....avoid those threats right now) you can get a lot of info from them. I've been totally non-judgemental with my kids all along and they tell me amazing things about what's going on around them. Often, they'll confess a story and watch as I do not react. Just listen. ask calm questions. Don't say you hope he will or won't (that's pressure), just matter of factly state that the facts suggest that certain drugs cause such and such. That way, you are telling them that you respect their judgement. Sort of, who in their right mind would try this stuff knowing what it can do to you.

A lot of your son's behavior is fear driven. The avoidance stuff is fear. You need to be sure that the next physician takes some time to delve into his day to day fear because there is no reason that he has to live that feeling over and over. Step up the conversation adn be sure that all of his needs are met. Be persistent (it sounds like you are!)

Good luck and keep venting here!! We hear your frustration. If you vent it here, you can go in focused and calm and without unneccesary emotion.

:) Marguerite
Thank you.....

Thank you.....

*Hi Karlynn, Yep, thats about it....we had been waiting for an app with the cardio due to palpations and chest pain...but he didnt tell me how often and how severe etc. **My mothers sister died in her sleep from 'some type of arrythmia aged 46'' ...and then theres my problem, so I am pretty freaked out right now. I am going to talk to my gp in 45 minutes...(yes im counting) I will let you all know how it goes. Thank you for your comments.
I am so sorry to hear of this problem with your son. I will pray that all turns out okay.
Will be looking for your post about your conversation with your GP. But I agree 100% with (Karlynn?) saying you need to make sure that the doctors know about what your son is now telling you might make a very big difference in how they decide to handle this for him.

Re: the concert.....tough thing as it is socially so very, very important for kids to go to those concerts....BUT he may actually experience some relief (although not to you) if you tell him you don't want him to go at this point. It is not punishing him if he doesn't go, but rather keeping him safe.

My thoughts are with you and your family.
*Hi, Iv been to see the doc (gp)..he rang the hospital to speak to the cardio but he wasnt there, so he left a message with his secretary asking him to phone in the morning, he (doc) said ''I am concerned about this young boy and need to speak to 'him' first thing tomorrow''. So at least I feel happy that my gp will follow this up.
He agreed with me that Thomas should stay on the beta blocker, at least until we know more about whats going on.
*Iv told Thomas that he cannot go to the 'concert', so to say he is not happy is putting it 'mild'. He isnt angry, because he understands why...just peed off.!!

*Marguerite you are so right...after 'venting' here I was able to speak to the gp calmly but firmly. As for the concert, I had concerns about him going BEFORE this stuff happened so, Im going with my 'instincts'.....PROTECT !! Thank you for replying.

*Thank you Sue and Geebee for your wishes. 8)

My children had a very old, wise pediatrician when they were babies. My son had a few problems with his laryngial muscles when he was born and I was reluctant to put him in his own room in the crib, wanting him to be in our room for a while. When I asked the doctor about this he said "I've been a pediatrician for a very long time, and during this time I've found one thing to be true. A mother's instincts are right 98% of the time."

So keep trusting those motherly instincts! I'm so glad your GP is helping you out with this.
Keep being an advocate for your son! If there is no substance abuse, then something IS wrong. My son did not have the rapid heart beats, but did have chest pain. Every Dr. told me that it was nothing - stress, looking for attention, over reactive mom - right up until the time that he had a massive heart attack from a dissected aorta. He darn near died. He is doing better now, but has a long road ahead of him. What other tests have they run? Have they done a CT? It sounds like they are taking you more seriously, so keep up the good work.

As for the concert or anything else, I would restrict his activities until you have a definitive answer. He sounds like a smart young man that will understand.

As for your stress level. There's not much help on that - We moms tend to stress.

Please let us know how it goes.
*Hi brings a tear to my eye to see that someone 'you' can take the time to even say ''thinking of us''. Thank you so much.

*Yes Karlynn, I completely agree with you and your childrens doc. I can actually think back on times in my life when I didnt act on my instinct and knowing now how things turned out, I realise it was a BIG mistake. 8)

*Oh dear ''Briansmum'' how awful for you and your son. I can truly imagine the shock and fear you all must have felt. Im so glad he is doing well now. Is his life restricted in any old is he?? The only test Thomas has had is an echo, holter monitor, and EKG. I will be phoning my gp tomorrow to see has he spoken to the cardio, so hopefully they will suggest some more tests to find out what is going on. Unfortunately things pretty much shut down over here for Xmas.!! As for a CT...they only seem to do CT's on people with trauma injuries etc, here. Iv NEVER heard of anyone whose had one to check out heart problems. But I guarantee I will be the ''creaky wheel'' until my sons problems are sorted...they will be hearing a lot from me !! If I dont do it for him, no-one will. Thank you for replying..this has helped me soo much 8)
Hi Nan......

Hi Nan......

*Hi Nan, I agree with everything you said...sometimes we have to be a parent not a friend....he has lots of friends but just one parent....well, one ''active'' parent !! Thank you for your reply. Best Wishes...Jacqui.
Hang in there, Mom

Hang in there, Mom

I know how scary it can be when your child suddenly becomes ill. My Madi started having seizures at 17 months and I freaked out completely. It was awful to see her little body jerking and her eyes rolled back in her head. I fought tooth and nail to find good doctors who didn't act like i was over reacting. She's six now and doing great on meds. Keep trusting your instinct, there's a reason God gave it to us.
Best wishes and we'll be praying for you and your son.
If you click on my name you can see all my posts and get more of my son's story. He has an experimental heart pump right now. It helps his left ventricle. He has to carry around a very large belt buckle that is the computer controller for the pump and 2 shoulder holsters to carry the batteries that run his pump. A set of batteries lasts about 4 hrs so he has to bring plenty of spares with him wherever he goes. He cannot get wet and has to use a dry bag to take a shower. Other than that....
Truly, he still can do most things. He is not in school right now because he missed so much of the beginning of the year and he has another OHS scheduled for next March. But, he is working and driving his new off-road toy and progressing like a normal onery teenager. His is a relatively unusual case, but a CT scan checks for aneurysms and/or dissection (though his was found in the echo). Doesn't sound like the same symptoms as your son, but bring it up. Better safe than sorry. He's had some good tests already so I think you are on the right track.
Hang in there!
I just wanted to let you know that I was thinking of you and your son. How scary!?!
Please let us know what you can when you can - I wish there was something we could do to help!!!!

Take care! Piper
Not much I can say about your son condition but what I know is the pain and worry you must be going though right now. There is nothing worse that worring about a child. My heart and prayes are with you