Help!!Nosebleed for 4 days now,INR2.1

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Its been a tough weekend. Since Thursday, I've had a MASSIVE nosebleed that wont quit. I've been to the ER twice (once by ambulance) and they pack it with a "rhinorocket". The packing has slipped out twice and when it does blood just gushes out. I stand over the sink and blood just pours out of my nose. They checked my INR when this happened Thursday and it was 3.5, yesterday it was 2.1 and Im withholding Coumadin tonight also so Im scared of the Coumadin level getting to 0...I see the ear,nose,throat Drs on Tuesday and hopefuly they can fix it for me. I have lost massive amounts of blood. I cant help but swallow blood and its making me sick to my stomach so they have me on Lortab for pain,Valium for nerves,and Zofran for nausea. This has been the worst thing I've been thru in a long time. Help!! Have any of you guys had this happen? Im so frustrated. Thanks for any responses I may get. Love ya guys,

I have no words of wisdom but just letting you know someone is here and reading your message.

What did the ER say was problem. Your inr level looks fine. I know I get nose bleeds (minor ones compared to this) when I've blown too hard and when very upset.

Stay calm and try to keep the pack it. Sounds like you busted a vein in the nose region. Maybe just relax in the big easy chair and not move around much.
Alicia, I periodically have nose bleed problems, usually in the winter because of dry air and nose blowing. I have had nose packs without a lot of success. I've learned that applying pressure to the side of the nose and bending forward a little (to keep blood out of my throat) does work for me but sometimes it does take some time and it is a terrible aggravation.

If your most recent INR was 2.1, I would be reluctant to withold coumadin because of the bleeding. Your INR is not making a big differance in the clotting time and the consequences of a low INR can be severe.
This might help

This might help

Hi Alicia,

Sorry to learn of the problems you're experiencing--very upsetting!

In case you haven't thought about this, it was the only way I found to stopthe nose bleeds I was having a couple of years ago. Nothing like yours though.

Just above the nostril there is a bulge (where glasses would sit. There is a slight depression below below the bulge. When pressure was applied with my index finger as hard as it could be, after awhile the bleeding stopped. Your doctors have probably already told you about this, but in case they haven't it might help. It worked for me.

Best wishes
Please see the link below regarding your nosebleeds.

HHT is an abnormality of blood vessels, not clotting of the blood itself.

Although you may not have HHT, you may nevertheless find useful information regarding how to treat nosebleeds.

All my best,
The ER should be able to cauterize the vessels for you. If that is the issue. I would not wait until Tuesday. Take care of it ASAP.
My friend had a severe one about two weeks ago and ended up in ER. She is not on coumadin however. They cauterized her and that took care of it.
Good luck
Holy CRAP!!!!.. wat the heck happened somebody punch u or just started bleeding 4 no reason?. Sorry no words of advise from me, keep us posted.. GOOD LUCK!

Mech valve April 04/08
I can totally sympathize anytime my
INR is in the correct range Iam prone to nose bleeds. I keep AFRIN & Q-TIPS in my medicine cabinet at all times. As soon as the bleed starts I I soak one end of 4 Q-TIPS PLACE TWO IN EACH SIDE of my nose and hold it for about 5 minutes. After the bleeing stops or slows I get crushed ice and hold it in my mouth. This seems to work for me and has kept me out of the ER so far.

Both cases, Lettitia's and Alicia's sounds like it's time for cauterization. They've got vessels to close to the surface in the nostrils, that with minimum irritation, begin bleeding.
Alicia, your nosebleed sounds a little more serious than the common nose bleed that comes from the front part of the nose. You should see a specialist like a board certified ENT or head and neck surgeon. This is specially true if you have hypertension or arteriosclerosis. They may need to tie off one of the big arteries in the back of your nose.
Thanks for all the feedback. I did go to the ER twice and both times they packed my nose and said it could'nt be cautherized nexcept by ENT Drs (which I see Tuesday). They said its way too far back for them to "mess with it". I spoke to my cardiologists partner on call last night and he told me absolutely take my Coumadin regardless of what the ER Drs said. He said to stop taking my daily aspirin as that was not helping. I awke this morning and low and behold (glory be to God) NO BLEEDING AT ALL!!!!

No, I did not get "punched in the nose" as was asked. I simply awoke Thursday morning coughing and went to the bathroom and wham all the blood started flowing. Putting pressure on it did not help at all. I hope the ENT Drs can fix the problem. I've had nosebleeds before, but NEVER like this and for 4 days!! It was not as simple as some of you responded. This was a major bleeding issue that I pray nobody else has to go thru. Thanks for the links, this was good information. Love to all, Alicia
I'm glad your cardiologist told you not to hold. As Oaktree said - it's better to deal with a badly bleeding nose than a clot on your valve. Sounds like you need a cauterization. My bro-in-law had a few massive nose bleeds and they had to cauterize him. It did the trick.
I had a hospital admitted nose bleed and they packed with the rhino. The ENT saw me in the hospital and said he would be the one to remove it four days later. When he took it out it began again and the bleed was way in the back and he cauterized it and knock on wood it has not started again. Good luck I know how awful those can be
I have to keep myINRbetween 2.0and 2.5 any higher and I get nose bleeds. I have had a couple of spots cauterized by my ENT DOC. but within aou a month it starts all over again.That is why Ijust stick to my Afrin and ice treatment. YOU can also place an ice pack on the back of your head to help slow down a nose bleed.
Using an icepack while applying pressure at the onset of the nosebleed is extremely helpful. My mom had problematic nosebleeds and she started to run a humidifier while sleeping and applying a petroleum based ointment inside the nostrils to be very helpful.

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