Heart Meds and, Um, Coitus

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Two-time AVR Vet
Nov 19, 2003
Well, this is awkward but all on this site, like me, have been through hell so I figure WTF. Here goes.

Since my surgery in November, I've noticed that I'm not as, shall I say, prolific as I was before. My fiance is too sweet and sensitive to say anything but I sure as hell have noticed it. The only change, besides the surgery itself, is now I'm taking Lipitor. Is this a known sife effect?

I'm wondering if there is a healthy, cardio approved way to get my old form back or if for my honeymoon I need to stock up on those little blue pills. This is difficult for me to write but maybe some of the other fellas out there can feel my pain, so to speak.

And I apologize to those if this subject is too graphic. Ross, feel free to zap it if it violates the code.
What else are you or have you taken? I don't think Lipitor is doing it, but I suppose it's possible.
Johnny, ask your dr about it. Statin might - it bothered my leg muscles. Never know what else it can do. Don't be bashful about your question - this is US, remember? YOu on any bp meds at all? My boss was upset that his bp meds interrupted his sex life.

Careful of the little blue pills - they might not be the way to go unless your cardio approves.
look them up on the net and see if there's a connection. Or look up bp meds in general to see the connection.

I think the ads on TV say it can cause a problem with 'things'.
I'm down on statins, but wouldn't blame this on them.

Blood Pressure meds (particularly beta blockers) frequently affect the male libido and, er, function. I'm always rolling my eyes at the statement that high blood pressure causes male problems. It's the cure for high blood pressure that's usually the villain.

From drugs.com, listed in the side effects for CoReg (http://www.drugs.com/coreg.html):
decreased sex drive, impotence, or difficulty having an orgasm;

There's a new class of beta blockers out that doesn't diminish blood flow from the heart. They don't seem to have the same negative effect. See what your cardiologist says. Caution: many cardios don't seem to care much about your sex life as long as they have their own.

Best wishes,
Beta blockers (coreg) is one potential culprit. Lisinopril is not likely and I dont believe that statin have that potential although I believe that any medication can be a problem in any individual person.
Another thing to think about is being distracted, so to speak, about your heart while 'shagging' as Austin Powers would say. More than once, I found myself doing a system check on the ticker mentally and I think we guys know that subtle anxiety could possibly play a role. Just something to think about.
Any other medical issues such as diabetes, ect?
Bonzo....NO laughing! Bad Dog.
Seriously, in order to make an educated commentary on the situation, I am going to need more details.
Johnny, are you suffering from lack of desire or lack of function?
Bonzo....NO laughing! Bad Dog.
Seriously, in order to make an educated commentary on the situation, I am going to need more details.
Johnny, are you suffering from lack of desire or lack of function?

Believe me, the mind is willing. The flesh is just weaker than before. And to answer a previous question, no diabetes or anything like that.

It seems the consensus is Coreg may not be playing nice. It's too bad cuz I LOVE that drug. Before that I was on Vasotec and I had a regular resting pulse in the mid to upper 90's. I was tired all the time. It sucked. Then I got Coreg and it like a new lease on life. (No, I am not a paid rep for Coreg). So if the choice is going back to the pre-Coreg days - nuh-uh. I'll see if there's something else without the side effect.
Yar, it's the Coreg. And perhaps even the ACE inhibitor. The former dilates the blood vessels sooooo, blood flows into Mr. Johnson, the vessels are medically disallowed from holding it in, and so it just flows right on out.

If you take your meds at breakfast and dinner (with food as prescribed), my guess is that your ability to perform would be greater prior to breakfast. :)
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It sounds like you are taking the same drugs as I was....Coreg, Lisinopril, Lipitor, and baby asprin daily. I went to Pravastatin instead of Lipitor due to the $4 option. I also started off with Coreg and then went to the more expensive but a much easier to manage once a day pill Coreg CR. Once I found out about the $4 version of Coreg....Carvedilol...I have been taking that for about 6 months now. I went from $100 a month to $12 a month for Rx. Not sure how long you have been taking Coreg but it might take some time for your body to adjust. I did have a little less DRIVE when I got on Coreg but it did not last long. Being in a new relationship after surgery helped out a lot...which is now my wife so she is still making sure that my heart is healthy with a good dose of cardio. ;) Ask your doc about the Carvedilol and let him know that a good cardio workout is the key to a healthy heart....and marriage!!