Have question about meds

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Well-known member
Feb 21, 2012
Hi all,

My boyfriend has been on propranolol since the beginning of January and they upped his meds on 1/20 and previous to this he was on metropolol. He started on the metropolol at the beginning of December.
Neither of these meds are agreeing with him. He is still feeling lousy and day to day it's either nausea or chest pains, etc. He is speaking with a few surgeons now about surgery. He also said he is very tired all the time. I want to know if anyone has had these experiences from meds? It seems like he is getting worse and they aren't helping and hopefully he will have a surgery date soon! He is checking out Duke Medical in NC. if anyone has had surgery there, can you let me know?

Both propranolol and metropool are in a class of drugs call beta blockers. I had similar reaction to these drugs as your boyfriend. The fatigue was horrible-I also became depressed. Luckily I was able to change to a different type of drug. For most people switching isn't an option as beta blockers therapy is critical to their heart function. It's possible that the side effects will get better over time - (months not weeks).
Some of his symptoms (chest pain) are likely from his underlying cardivascular issues. Although propranalol and metoprolol can cause faitigue and a variety of other side effects, that also could be from his underlying condition. All this needs to be gone over with his doctors. You mention surgery - if the doctors are suggesting that, that implies that they think the medicines are not effective and that his underlying condition is worsening. They should be able to clarify that for you much better than anyone here. Duke is a MAJOR medical center.
Hi Onset,
So, were you totally exhausted after working all day and did you feel like doing much of anything? I haven't seen him in 3 months and I'm thinking it's because he is so tired and isn't feeling well. He will be having surgery so hopefully he will back to his normal self fairly soon.
Hi Bill,
Yes, I'm sure that is the cause of his symptoms. I'm sure since the meds aren't really correcting his problem he will definitely be having surgery. He said he is sick of feeling this way. Yes, I heard Duke was a great place.
I was so whacked out on meds when I went to a rehab hospital that I was awakend one day by a staffer who took it upon herself to say that if I kept falling asleep in the wheelchair I would be headed for a nursing home at 54 yrs young

Is he a heavy snorer at night in stops and starts ? My sleep often sounded like I would stop breathing all together and restart with a jerk and loud single snort/snore ....this is sleep apnea and can be aided by a CPAP unit worn at night to aid in an undisturbed RESTFULL sleep

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Hi Greg,
He did say that the meds make him feel weird. I know he forgets things too!! He doesn't snore but I know that he does sleep a lot lately.
Hi Bina,
Thanks for responding - is that why you think he doesn't want to get together because he is just so exhausted and not feeling well?
Hi Bina,
Thanks for responding - is that why you think he doesn't want to get together because he is just so exhausted and not feeling well?

Well, I don't know you personally, but some of us become a bit withdrawn and overcome with worry. All you can do is be
supportive and let him know that you are there for him now and later.
I know he is withdrawn and worried sick and I think that he feels he is going to die. I am supportive and will continue to be.