Has anyone felt worse after their angiogram?

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Apr 15, 2011
Washington State
I am a 78 year-old woman, brand new to this site. Diagnosed with leaky mitral valve.
In the past two weeks I've had a TEE and Angiogram, and am scheduled to see heart surgeon on 4/25.
Since the angiogram, about four days ago, have felt even more fatigued and short of breath.
Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this?
Addy, have you checked in with your Dr. since your cath and told him how you've been feeling? If not, even though it is a Sunday, I think I would call his office and speak to the Dr. on call. I don't want to scare you, but there are some emergent situations that can arise after cardiac caths and if you are truly feeling worse, and your cath was only 4 days ago, I think your Dr. would want and needs to know. It may turn out to be nothing, but it's always better to be safe than sorry. If you can't reach your Dr's service on Sunday, if it were me, I would make a trip to the ER to get everything checked out.

Addy, a heart felt WELCOME to our OHS family I would agree with Kim in saying to drop into the ER, there is a wealth of knowledge here for the future .....

-Bob/tobagotwo has up dated a list of acronyms and short forms http://www.valvereplacement.org/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=8494&d=1276042314

-what to ask pre surgery http://www.valvereplacement.org/for...68-Pre-surgery-consultation-list-of-questions

-what to take with you to the hospital http://www.valvereplacement.org/forums/showthread.php?13283-what-to-take-to-the-hospital-a-checklist

-Preparing the house for post surgical patients http://www.valvereplacement.org/for...Getting-Comfortable-Around-the-House&p=218802

These are from various forum stickies and there is plenty more to read as well

And Lynw recently added this PDF on what to expect post op
Thanks Kim and Greg. Appreciate the suggestions and information. I did call and was connected to my cardiologist, who happened to be on call. He basically reassured me and said to hang in and take things easy until my appt. with the surgeon on 4/25. I do feel calmer now. :))
Hi Addy,
Happy you found us and hope we can help you through this difficult time. Only those of us who have been where you are and have 'walked the walk' truly understand what it is like.

This is a very supportive community and we're happy to help in any way possible.
I've had two OHS and agree with many others here that the wait for surgery is the worst part of the whole experience.
Let us know how you are doing. It's good you spoke with your cardiologist. I had TEE and cath in the weeks before my second surgery but felt no different after each test than prior.
Best wishes.
Hello Addy
To answer your question about not feeling well following an angiogram I must say I absolutely did and on the way home from Hamilton General Hospital (some distance from my home) I went to my local hospital because of the way I felt.
My experience is the ONLY such experience posted on this board.
My vein was torn during right-sided catheterization resulting in blood loss (large puddle on the floor of cath room). I overstayed my welcome in the recovery area (I was really feeling weak) and was forced out. My elbow was bandaged and not splinted. Arm began oozing blood so I went to local hospital on the way home arriving absolutely exhausted. The bandage was replaced with a dry one and a splint was used to prevent elbow movement. Much, much later I learned the vein had been torn then sutured shut forever.
My experience was not usual in any way and in a day or two I was stronger.
I also feel there was a psychological component as well (a feeling I had been through an ordeal which it was) probably exacerbated by blood loss. I saw the cardiologist again about a year later. His answer was a torn vein was "usual" and when I asked why he was in the right-side of my heart I was again forced out of his office without explanation.
Mine was a very, very unusual experience, but I got over it.
Hi Lance,
Wow, you really had a bad experience after that angiogram. My heart goes out to you.
I didn't have bleeding problems, just seemed super tired, even more than usual, for the first couple of days, and noticing the shortness of breath much more. This might be because it is on my MIND so much.
Looks as if you had mitral valve replacement surgery, which is what they're talking about for me. I'll know more after April 25 when I see the heart surgeon my cardiologist referred me to.
I hope things are going very well for you now. :))
Addy, my angio was 2 weeks before my surgery (I was 46), and the hospital kept me over night.
I don't react well to any kind of anesthetic, and I almost fainted after the 5 hour wait to stand up and go to
the washroom. Even the next day at home I was very weak and the femoral incision area was so very sore.
Some of us are just more sensitive to procedures and medications.
Anything you are not sure of, never hesitate to call your doctor. :)
Bina, I appreciate what you said. I know I am pretty sensitive to medications and try to avoid them when possible, due to unwanted side effects. Glad you reminded me. I suppose the dye could have an effect too, since I experienced two big technicolor auras afterward, one in hospital and another at home that evening. Over the years I've had what they call non-migraine auras, but only infrequently and never two in the same day! Feeling much calmer today. Thanks!
Hi Andy,
I had no problems with my angiogram, they went into my right Femoral artery and I was told before the procedure that the fluid being injected was a seafood based substance that some may react too. They had to change the initial Cath. as it was to large and I rested for 5 hours after the procedure before I was allowed to leave the hospital.
My step mother althogh had a bad experience, her Cath. ended up causing a mini heart attack and she spent 2 days in hospital. She was around 60 when she had her procedure done and has had no problems since. She did mentioning it to the motor vehicle branch now she needs to have a physical every year so she can drive.