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I need someone to come over and replace my wife's spark plugs and maybe ignition wires. I'm fairly sure #3 spark plug is cracked. Looks like a lightning storm at the base of the cable boot and of course, the engine is missing badly because of it.
I need someone to come over and replace my wife's spark plugs and maybe ignition wires. I'm fairly sure #3 spark plug is cracked. Looks like a lightning storm at the base of the cable boot and of course, the engine is missing badly because of it.

DH just said, "Did Ross check the tire pressure?".....;) ;)
Only if u are up to it..... Or tell DW to hitchhike and see what happens....speaking of which:
Yesterday I threatened (promised?) to stand on the roadside and hitch-hike naked if DH didn't take me for a Sunday drive.

Darn Bina, you have to give us locals a heads up before u do that, so we can drive around looking for naked hitch hikers , how come I'm never so lucky LOL