Happiness is . . . a son home from Iraq

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Yes, I am relieved to report that our oldest son has officially, although temporarily, arrived home from Iraq. I don't know what the future will bring, but for today, and for a few days, we've got him home.:) And in today's world, that's all I can ask for.
Living for today is all we have - enjoy the time and I am so happy for you and your family.
Excellent, just wish you could keep him from going back over there. Enjoy your time together.
I cannot imagine the depth of your joy. Wishing you a meaningful and joyous time together.

Please thank him for his courage!

What wonderful news Mom! How long did it take before they had to pry your arms from around him?


This is wonderful news. Our son-in-law has served two tours, and I have an idea what a thrill it is to have him back. Joe was able to come back for a few days after his daughter, our dear Ellie, was born. I can't think of any greater feeling than a child or spouse returning safely from a war.

What wonderful news :).

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"A heart that's hopeful" ... Michael W Smith ... 'Place In This World'
What good news! I hope every minute home is wonderful. Thank you to your son for his service to our country.
Mary. that's the best news I've heard today. Give him a big hug for me and "thank him" for serving our country so well.
Amen and Amen!

Amen and Amen!

Mary said:
Yes, I am relieved to report that our oldest son has officially, although temporarily, arrived home from Iraq. I don't know what the future will bring, but for today, and for a few days, we've got him home.:) And in today's world, that's all I can ask for.

Enjoy this time together. I know it will fly by all too quickly. Hugs. J.
So Glad to hear you have your son home. Even if for a short time. My Son in law will be going over in just a month or so. My Oldest Son in law has been over and back. Time for this crap to be over! Move the US Capitol to Baghdad and the War will be over before they move over there.
