Had Enough Heat!!!!

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Cooker..Glad to see you took my advice and drove down to Myrtle Beach..( only 2 hours from you)...Great pic of you:D Did you remember to use sunscreen?What was the Ocean water temp?That is you...in the red suit?:D :p ........Gina..I was watching the weather channel a few hours ago..They put up a great live picture of Memphis..overlooking the Mississippi River....Temp..106 degrees:eek: ..Tomorrow..103 in Atlanta...We have plans to go to Lake down there..(Motorhome) for weekend..I have a feeling we will spend more time inside the Motorhome..than out on Lake.:( Have planned a birthday party for my son..and Grandchildren will be disappointed if I cancel out................Another piece of advice...for all of us locked in this heat wave..be careful..of red wasps, hornets...if you water..I had quickly watered around my front porch, birdbaths, ect..and when I took my dog outside for a quick wee-wee...:D saw many wasps, ect. around the birdbaths, on ground, looking for water...:eek: ..........It is just plain HOT..:eek: Bonnie
You should all be in Sarasota!!! Highest temp here this week was 93 (and that's about normal; hardly ever gets over 95). Granted, humidity is high, but it is everywhere else too, apparently, AND, we have the great gulf breezes. I absolutely LOVE Sarasota!!
readsforfun said:
You should all be in Sarasota!!! Highest temp here this week was 93 (and that's about normal; hardly ever gets over 95). Granted, humidity is high, but it is everywhere else too, apparently, AND, we have the great gulf breezes. I absolutely LOVE Sarasota!!

Sarasota is a great town. I lived in Melbourne Beach FL (east coast) and it was MUCH cooler than Columbia!!! That breeze and it rained almost every afternoon in the summer for about 30-45 minutes. I would be back down there today if my bride would move.

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Bonnie....have a great trip @ the lake. Who knows...maybe it will cool off a bit.:confused: Did find the inland lakes in TN pretty sweltering during the summer months. Unless you can get your hands on a boat and keep moving!Natural air conditioning!;)

We hit the lake (inland lake) over this past weekend. Hubby fished and we swam and relaxed. It was in the 90's...on the water, keep moving....not so harsh.

Wasps...yes....had a nice nest in one of my flower beds! Soon as the water hits them.... they go nuts!:eek:
yesterday the thermometer read 105 and heat index - well, hot. Today I went uptown for a little while and was bathed in sweat pronto. Temps over 100 but I didn't stay out there long enough to check it. It threatened rain so eventually cooled off some but never got the rain. The humidity is just awful.

TV just announced that our area used the most electricity on its records - yesterday. And no let up in sight.

Daughter is gone to Alabama for her Emmaus Walk Retreat this weekend. Too bad it's the hottest weekend of the year. But there is a pool at the campground. (I don't know till she gets back what the Emmaus Walk is - but it's Methodist).
As Bonnie was warning us about wasps. My husand and his golf partner were stung. Hubby once on the ear. His partner...21 times all over. He leaned against a tree and disturbured a nest. He appers to be ok. Did not stop him from finishing the game.:rolleyes:
LUVMyBirman said:
It's plenty hot Cort! Humidity is ridiculous.


But, if I had a choice between hot and cold ... it'd be hot ;).

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.lego.HO.model.MCs.RT.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"I'm gonna ride on the silver lining" ... FFH ... 'One Of These Days'
I feel for you all.....it was hot and humid here (by our standards...no where near 100+ like you are getting) earlier this week but it seems to be cooling down now. I hope it breaks for you soon.
Sitting here listening to the morning weather report. Today will be the ELEVENTH!!!! day this month over 100 degrees:mad: :mad: :mad: I have had enough!!!! Anybody in Alaska or Canada have a room for rent????? I know, I know, I don't look like I would be a good house guest. Appearances can be decieving......I am very tidy.....pick up all my peels and brush after every meal:p
it is very hot here and we aren't getting rain. When there are hurricanes around, those storms draw all moisture from other areas, but our humidity is down. We are having 100s and above every day. I just stay home as they have told us to do. I feel for those who have to go out in this mess. I said I would not complain this summer because I complained so much about the cold winter, so this isn't a complaint!

The warm waters in the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico draw those hurricanes this way, so we are just hoping they head off somewhere else. This is the time of year when the storms are most active. If we could get a wee cold front, it would head off Dean.
We had a break from the heat yesterday where it only got to about 95!!! Of course, the break was in the form of FLOODS caused by Erin! In my part of town, all roads were passable, but there were several in others parts that were not. It never ceases to amaze me how many drivers still drive into standing water, even with there is a ruler measuring the depth that clearly shows 2 ft. or more! There were also cars and trucks swept off the road due to flash flooding. That happened to my husband several years ago and it rolled (and totalled) his SUV. Luckily, he was buckled in and walked away with just a temporarily increased heart rate!

Anyway, be careful what you wish for!
thanks for trying, but it didn't help me a bit except for my imagination. Give me heat anytime rather than COLD! We had some rain during the night and it's only 68 this morning - hope it's a cold front moving (well, in summer our cold fronts are never cold) in so it will head off any 'canes. Esp Dean. Dean looks so ominous. sigh

Anybody in Alaska or Canada have a room for rent???

Lots of room here Cooker. I think our summer is over. After having 5 weeks of 37C weather (that would be about 98F for you Americans) it has really cooled off. Average temp. now is around 20C (68F). And what a light show last night. lasted about 5 hours with 3cm of rain, uh sorry 2 1/2 inches rain. This strom is heading east...........watch out Bina, have your flash lights handy.

Yep, its time to bring out the sweatshirts and the long johns.
Last night I froze....no joke.
I'm trying to avoid putting the heat on, it's still August for crying out loud.
Last night was about 52 degrees, today is maybe 68.
Behind the house in the sun is quite nice though.
Freddie, you can just keep that storm away from me:)
I love the cold wave we've had up here recently!! I detest hot, humid weather although we get it even up here. I usually have the air conditioner on all summer, and it is now off!! What a miracle!:)
94 here at 6:30 P.M.:eek: NO rain...and no rain forecasts for next week..still in the 90's...for next week...:eek: Tomorrow, Hubby/I will go out and pull up all our dead annuals..Spent maybe $300.00 for them last spring..ALL dead from heat...Will just try to keep bushes , trees alive.with slow watering on them.....Really expensive to replace bushes, trees, ect..I saw where there has been 37 deaths in the south..from this heat..:( Bonnie