H1N1 Flu and Tamiflu?

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2008
A Southern Girl!
Does anyone know if we can take this stuff? Does it effect our INR levels? It is really starting to spread and I think we are in the group of people with complications! Anybody have any thoughts about this? :confused:
Good questions and i dont have answers but makes you wonder
what reactions if any some will have from these shots...if any.
all so new who has time to experment testing what this shot does to us:confused::confused: H1N1 is alredy here

Yet ive been near 2 cases of it at work already so are these shots soon
enough or too late if they help us,seems h1n1 is spread before the safety of
any vaccine shot here has been offered yet and they are busy arguing who they will administer the shots to first.
We sure could use more info but i don't think anyone has the answers either
I keep hearing that pregnant women and young people are the highest risk group for H1N1. I've heard little about those of us with heart issues. Will we be among those who are considered high risk and have earlier priority to get the vaccine?
I work in a high school and am thinking of getting a note from my doctor that if the H1N1virus affects our school I can GO HOME until its done. I don't want to be unreasonable, but after getting my new artificial valve in January I just don't want to take any extra risks. Does anyone know about any extra risks for heart valve patients with this new virus?
I work in a high school and am thinking of getting a note from my doctor that if the H1N1virus affects our school I can GO HOME until its done. I don't want to be unreasonable, but after getting my new artificial valve in January I just don't want to take any extra risks. Does anyone know about any extra risks for heart valve patients with this new virus?

Yep it's scarey and im in same position at my work with cellblock and the coming and going of few cases already,we are made aware and can mask up
and scrub,scrub i dont even wear my shoes or uniform near my vehicle or home,its a real fear and im sure my doc wouldn't hesitate to take me off work
Not sure what or worse effects for us but i can bet it willnot be fun:eek:
i think we can take all these precautions but there wont be much in the way of avoiding this virus,but we fill up with hep and aids and everything
so it,s just become another title to the addition of our long list.
i'm really beginning to think i should get a different job.:rolleyes:

I understand h1n1 really hits the respirotory so if we are weak to begin with
in our immune system we will likely take it hard,cus normal flu alone is difficult without adding more insult to injury.
No wonder my cardio didnot want me back to work
I have become germ afobic so badly my family laughs at me, I have wipes, germ x in my car I don't go to the store on weekends are anywhere that is crowded. I have dial soap all over the house washing all clothes in hot water! My daughter is in school she had a sinus infection last week, I was so gald it was not the flu. Anything regarding our lungs and breathing is high risk enough for me! May God Bless us all!! Take vitamin C!
This weekend I visited a friend in Des Moines, Iowa. Flew to Kansas City MO on Saturday, then drove a rental car up to Des Moines.

While at Dallas-Fort Worth & the Kansas City airports, I thought about how easy travelers can spread illnesses.

I appreciate airports that have automatic soap dispensers, water faucets and paper towel dispensers. NO NEED TO TOUCH ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!! Just put your hands out, and voila!

Ditto with the airports that are installing instant hand sanitizers throughout terminal corridors.

I also saw something in the last couple of days on a TV newscast asking people to NOT travel if they are under the weather -- or THINK they might be under the weather.
I have had Flu shot every year. I haven't noticed any change in my INR. I will not take swine flu shots this year because it really hasn't been thoroughly tested. I will take the normal Flu shot.
Anyone figure out yet if we are in high-risk group for complications of swine flu??

Thanks, Betsy
Anyone figure out yet if we are in high-risk group for complications of swine flu??

Thanks, Betsy

That answer would be yes.

While I have reservations about the H1N1 vaccine, I'll be getting it also. It'll either kill me or it won't. Guess I'll be the sacrificial lamb for the forum.