Guess who spent July 4th in Hospital in A- Fib

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Jan Supporter
Supporting Member
Jul 6, 2001
Liverpool England
Hi Folks

awoke at 4.45 am with pains in my chest so Bill got me along to A & E were I was hooked up to a machine and blood taken etc etc told I was in A Fib they gave me some spray and a tablet and my heart went back into normal rhythm within about an hour, they say it probably self corrected as it was a bit quick for the tablet to have worked.
I was admitted and monitored for 36 hours they also did an Echo ( not had and echo since 2005)
Thankfully all was well with the echo and all the other tests were negative.
The cardio said I could take a low dose beta blocker to prevent it happening again but I decided to wait and see if it does occur again before going down that road.

The only thing I had done different was to have taken Sudafed capsules for a sinus problem I have taken them in the past with no problem but on reading the leaflet it did say a side effect was palpatations so maybe that was the cause, I have made an appointment with my GP to discuss this.

Off on holiday soon so had to upgrade my travel insurance and the cost trebled to £ 266 but that's for an annual policy so not too bad, better safe than sorry, so that what my day

Hope you all had a great 4th

keep smiling

Yep, skip the sudafed.
do be careful with the a-fib. Beta blockers aren't all that bad (I'm on 2 of them), and it beats constant arrhythmias.
I am glad you are feeling better too.

Question: What is good to use if Sudafed is not? I am only on Digoxin while I wait for my AVR, but it says not to use any of that kind of otc meds with it. What do you do when the nose starts dripping? Use a kleenex! LOL
I have been on Beta Blockers for 25 years, and I have had no side effects. In fact my brother and sister both had heart transplants and I didn't. The only difference is I took beta blockers and they did not. I'm not saying it is a miricle drug, but feel very positivly about it; it is certainly nothing to fear.
So sorry to hear that you spent the 4th in the hospital Jan! I'm sure that it was a scary time for you but glad to know that you are doing much better.

...and i can totally relate to adding more travel insurance to your trip! (We had to cancel our cruise last month because I had to undergo an emergency appendectomy 2 days prior to our departure!)

So take heed my heart valve family.......when traveling, please tack on the insurance.....never know when you're gonna need it!
Thanks for the replies, I have no problem with beta blockers just don't want to take them if it was a one off.
I will ask my GP to prescribe something for the sinus problem, no more over the counter remedies for me !!
I agree with you Norma better safe than sorry, I was prepared to cancel the holiday as I would not travel without cover, have you rebooked your cruise Norma ?

Take Care

Wow, my lesson for the day. I'd never have guessed Sudafed could cause that, but hopefully I'll remember that the next time I need one. I feel like I'm suseptible (sp?) to arrythmias (sp?) at least during my recovery, and wouldn't be shocked if it continues past that. I had a somewhat similar episode as you, ended up in hospital for about 36 hrs due to an a-fib incident. Also sounds like other OTC drugs can cause issues too... Guess I better start reading those labels more closely!
No we haven't rebooked.....most likely will try again the first part of next year God willing.

This little ordeal has really set me back so much......I have felt incredibily weak that you'd think I was recovering from another OHS!