Gripe Time!!!

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You look familiar

You look familiar

JimBob said:

I get my Coaguchek supplies from John Ban at Medical Xpress of SW FL at 15600 San Carlos Blvd., #13
Ft. Myers, FL 33908 - phone (239) 590-0167 or fax (239) 590-0107.

I don't have insurance so I have to pay for my supplies myself (and after reading what you and others have gone through with your insurance companies and "go betweens", it's worth it not to have these headaches).

Last time I checked a box of # 3116247 COAGUCHEK PT TEST STRIPS 48/BX (that should last you about a year) was about $220 or so from Medical Xpress. I wouldn't mess with a money-grabbing insurance company for double that amount!

Hope this helps,

Were you in Lubbock in the mid to late '70s- just wondering.

Wasn't in Lubbock that I remember - 'course if they run me out of one town, I just go somewhere else!:D
Just got delivery on my test strips, and they were COLD!!! The entire bill was $318 which included 48 strips, controls, and 2 bottles of capillary refill tubes. VERY EASY!!!! I'M VERY HAPPY!!!

If anyone wants to look into this company, it's called Medical Product Sales 1-866-677-5952 and tell them I recommended them highly.

What a pleasure dealing with this company.

Evelyn (Beede)


JimBob said:

Wasn't in Lubbock that I remember - 'course if they run me out of one town, I just go somewhere else!:D

You looked very much like the good friend named Jimbob I worked with there.
Don't worry, he was a great guy, that I just lost touch with him.:)
twinmaker said:
I just did a search on here about Raytel and couldn't believe the problems everybody seems to be having. I just ordered and received a box of test strips which arrived yesterday from Raytel. Maybe it's because our insurance uses a third party that acts as a go-between. On the Raytel invoice, it read: HOMELINK (this go-between, for lack of a better term) will submit a claim to your insurance company for reimbursement. Maybe HOMELINK is paying for the test strips and then they are getting reimbursed by my insurance.? I could call and ask how this works. I don't use the service plan with Raytel as far as calling in my INR or such. When I called my insurance company to get a machine last year, they put me in touch with HOMELINK and they took it from there. They contacted Raytel, and Raytel contacted me. Got my machine and have been getting testing supplies with no problem at all. HOMELINK even calls to ask if I've received my supplies when I call in an order. LINDA
John's INRatio machine arrived yesterday from Raytel. They have been wonderful to deal with so far. He is 5 weeks post op and has started testing already.This was set up by the nurse practitioner that follows him with his surgeon. No hassle at all.I love nurse practitioners. Deb
Maybe I've just been lucky where this is concerned but a couple of weeks ago, I ordered a new box of strips from Raytel. They didin't arrive in the usual three days so when Homelink called to see if they came, I told them they hadn't. (They had been shipped to our old address in Florida by mistake.) They called Raytel and within three days, I had my strips. Then yesterday I received another box of strips. I called Homelink and they said they would check into the situation. I didn't know whether to keep them, send them back, etc. I was also a little concerned in case one of these boxes was sent to Florida and back to Raytel and then on to me (as far as heat). As a footnote, I've already used a strip out of the box I got last week and it was fine. I was right in range...3.2. Anyway, I got a phone call today from a very nice young man from Raytel to talk about the extra box. He told me not to worry about sending the second box back...just to keep them and my insurance wouldn't be billed for them. I couldn't believe it. When I open that box a couple of months from now, I'll see if the strips are OK. So, Deb, I guess you and I have had some very good experiences with Raytel. I've certainly been pleased with them so far. LINDA
Nightmare - not for me

Nightmare - not for me

Wow im sitting here reading some of your guys problems with QAS and I cant believe what im reading. I just recieved my machine about 2 months ago, with 4 packs of testing supplies, i used them and it took 2 days to get a approval from my insurance company, (blue Cross) theyu were told to treat Qas like a in network provider and just sent me out 25 more testing strips, that will keep me going till dec of this year. I hope that i donthave a problem then. I wish you all the best of luck, ive been dealing with Helen in Case Managaement. good luck

EVELYN said:
Wow, Krista, you sound as frustrated as we are!!! I'm at the same point as you are.....but don't feel bad, my saga continues, at least yours is over.

QAS has always been treated as a participating provider on my husband's insurance co, even though they have NOT been participating due to the fact that there is NO participators in his plan whocarry the test strips and other supplies.....ok, so that means $300 deductible vs. $700 deductible on our part. QAS also participated in United Healthcare until this year (which is my insurance that covers Tyce.)

Here's the deal as we see it now: QAS says we owe them $368 dollars for the deductible from 2005.....we have never ever received a bill from them. As a result, they won't send us any more supplies until they receive a payment from us that we never knew we owed.

They also want 1/2 the $$$ for the next order up front.....again, something they have never done in 4 years of dealing with them.

I did like Rossman said and called Lance. He didn't call me back, but had someone else do the same. I refuse to pay the $368 until I get copies of all, and I mean ALL the eob's and payments our insurances have sent them. I don't even know at this point if they filed against MY insurance.....

Personally, I don't think they know what the hell they're doing. You either get a voicemail, someone who has to call you back, or get transferred from billing to orders to insurance. We were on the phone almost ALL DAY this past Friday.......THAT'S UTTERLY RIDICULOUS and NOT the way to run a company. JMHO.

Suffice it to say, I know where you're coming from!!!

Well, do you want to hear the BEST THING!!!!! I got a phone call yesterday from the VP of the new company I'm dealing with in Maine......he wanted to introduce himself and asked if everything was SATISFACTORY with my order!!!
Just wanted to "touch base" with his customers.

WOW!!! Could have pushed me over with a feather.......that's a first since I've ordered Coaguchek supplies.

I think this company is a keeper.



Please make sure you fax a prescription to anyone that sells testing strips. This is a requirement by the manufacturers and the FDA. If you don't order from QAS we're sorry for losing a customer, but we don't want anyone to get in trouble with ITC, Roche or Hemosense. Most people that sell strips for cash, don't realize these are prescription only items, so be sure to give them the heads up. Thanks,

Lance, QAS

P.S. I will have someone from the manufacturers clarify the legalities about selling strips and meters.
QAS Lance said:
Please make sure you fax a prescription to anyone that sells testing strips. This is a requirement by the manufacturers and the FDA. If you don't order from QAS we're sorry for losing a customer, but we don't want anyone to get in trouble with ITC, Roche or Hemosense. Most people that sell strips for cash, don't realize these are prescription only items, so be sure to give them the heads up. Thanks,

Lance, QAS
I don't want to be argumentative but anything that is limited by the FDA to prescription only has to carry the notice - "Federal law prohibits dispensing without a prescription". There is no such statement on the Hemosense test strip packaging indicating the requirement of a doctor's prescription. The devices and test strips are regulated by the FDA as far as quality control but I question the prescription only statement. If I am missing something, I would welcome a correction but I have yet to see a prescription only item without that statement.
Hi Gina

I'm kind of inclined to agree with you, so I just called 2 other suppliers of Coauchek and they both said a prescription was NOT needed for the ordering of supplies. However, I do plan to call Roche just to make sure. The script was the LEAST of my worries. I'll check my strips to see if they have that notation as soon as I get out to my motorhome because they're in the refrig out there and it's pouring rain up here. Will let you know more when I find out. Faxing a script is easy if it's necessary.....just have your cardio do it.




I know that each manufacturer requires a prescription to order test strips, and the patient self test meters cannot be sold without one either. When a new patient calls QAS for strips, and he or she is not a customer, a prescription is required. I imagine that same rules would apply to all distributors. Thanks,

Perhaps the manufacturer wants a prescription but the FDA does not restrict these products to sale ONLY with a prescription. I just wanted to point out that there is a difference and it may be on the resale side. It is not illegal to sell them without a prescription.
Manufacturer?s Perspective

Manufacturer?s Perspective

geebee said:
Perhaps the manufacturer wants a prescription but the FDA does not restrict these products to sale ONLY with a prescription. I just wanted to point out that there is a difference and it may be on the resale side. It is not illegal to sell them without a prescription.

This is straight from HemoSense?s 510K document.

A.Statement of intended use: The INRatio Self-Test system is intended for quantitative Prothrombin Time Testing of fresh, capillary whole blood for monitoring of oral anticoagulation therapy by trained patients or their caregivers, on the prescription or other order of a treating physician.

We certainly believe that a prescription is the most common (vs. physician?s order) way customers acquire the INRatio. One or the other would be necessary to dispense our products to a patient since it is NOT an OTC product. Since the monitor and strips are a system if the device was originally acquired through a physician?s prescription then subsequent supplies should be obtained through a company appropriately licensed to dispense prescription items. Additionally, they would have to comply with all other regulatory guidance (e.g. record keeping, HIPPA compliance, etc).

My suggestion would be if you?re unsure about a company that is dispensing a product that you call the manufacturer to inquire if the company is authorized to dispense the product. HemoSense has only few partners who are approved to sell to customers.

Hope this helps
What's a 510K document? Why is the statement you have below different from the statement in your package insert which states:

Intended use:
For quantitative Prothrombin Time (PT) testing in fresh capillary whole blood with the INRatio system. The INRatio system is intended for use by healthcare professionals or properly trained patients to monitor oral anticoagulation therapy.

There is no mention of required prescription which I have seen in other medication inserts. I am not sure I understand why any manufacturer would want to make purchasing test strips difficult. Granted, the original purchase of the monitor should be supervised because it is very important that the monitor be used properly. However, once it is known that the patient can properly handle their antocoagulation therapy, why should buying the test strips be something a manufacturer would want to make a royal pain? Why would that be to their advantage? If things were made easier, perhaps ACT home testing would become more commonplace and more insurance companies would cover it. If things are kept "hidden away" ACT home testing will never have the advantages that are found in glucose monitoring. Shouldn't that be the ultimate goal - to help the patient?


Hi Folks..

I have met the folks at QAS. I know the founder of QAS. I, like many of you, have had the pleasure of meeting Lance and Phillip at a few of our reunions in the past.

These people would never intentionally brush you off. They would never ignore your issues or concerns.

The reality is - To my knowledge, they are the ONLY company that will go to the trouble of dealing with your insurance company for you. They don't charge extra for this service and they pride themselves in their ability to offer this.

I have been to their facility and it is a building full of busy little bees running around working the phones nonstop to bend over backwards to get us supplies in as little time as possible. Desk after desk after desk of folks making calls to make things happen.

I encourage everyone to talk to Lance personally at QAS if you have issues. You tell him that Hank said you deserve an answer to your concerns. If you are not happy with QAS and their service or lack of service, tell him so! Tell him to explain to you exactly what is going on and I can promise you that he will do so. I have personally recieved his assurance that he is there for you. If he doesn't explain things to you clearly, then you email me directly at [email protected] and I will check into it immediately.

QAS and are working together to make anticoagulation therapy monitoring as positive an experience as possible for everyone.

Sure, QAS is a sponsor of this site and therefore I am a bit biased in my opinions. But those of you who know me know that I call it like I see it and I don't sugar coat things much.

I know these people.. And they are all good people.

Have a great day and thank you all for the healthy discussion....
Hi Hank

While I fully understand your position and relationship with QAS, I just feel I have to let you know that I don't feel as though this is the most efficiently run organization. I truly don't believe one hand knows what the other is doing.

As an example, we were told that we "owed" QAS $369. Well, as it turns out, that went from $369 to $139 to $80 to probably nothing because they never filed against our secondary insurance.....Perhaps they have just gotten too big or perhaps they are not as efficient in their insurance aspect of billing.....I'm not sure, but I surely do know that customers should NOT be getting bills that are incorrect, from one and two years prior service, or be told that supplies will not be shipped until they receive a check for a bill that we never knew we "owed" which as it turns out, we now do NOT owe.....that's just plain and simple POOR BUSINESS, in my opinion.

If it wasn't for Iris.....who QAS should give a hefty raise to because I think she's one of the few people there who DOES know what she's doing....we would still have been tearing our hair out. She is a Gem, in our opinion. I can say that IF we ever go back to QAS it will be because of IRIS....not Lance or his assistant who called us after we left a message for Lance.

When we first started using QAS, they shipped out our supplies as soon as we ordered them.....they KNEW we had two insurances and were covered. They then filed against both insurances and we never heard from them. In the last year or two things have certainly changed, and not for the better in my opinion.

Those of you who know me know that I, too, don't sugar coat things either, and whille I don't doubt that they are "good people," I don't think they run a very efficient ship. Sorry, but that's my opinion.



Dear Evelyn,

When you called me I thought that it was very important that your concerns were dealt with at the highest level of customer service. That is why I had our national sales manager, Phillip Marks, call you back. It was not my assistant, but my manager, who was working with you. I wanted you to know that so you didn't think I didn't care about your concerns. At QAS we are one of the few, if not the only, company that attempts coverage through insurance for PT/INR home testing. As Hank stated, we try our best for each patient, even though it is a difficult task at times. If you have concerns, email Phillip Marks, national sales manager, at [email protected] or myself at [email protected]. Thanks,

Yo Lance

Yo Lance

QAS Lance said:
Dear Evelyn,

When you called me I thought that it was very important that your concerns were dealt with at the highest level of customer service. That is why I had our national sales manager, Phillip Marks, call you back. It was not my assistant, but my manger, who was working with you. I wanted you to know that so you didn't think I didn't care about your concerns. At QAS we one of the few, if not the only, company that attempts coverage through insurance for PT/INR home testing. As Hank stated, we try our best for each patient, even though it is a difficult task at times. If you have concerns, email Phillip Marks, national sales manager, at [email protected] or myself at [email protected]. Thanks,

Any chance you could give me the email of the billing department. If you post it here, I think everyone would appreciate it.:)