Grim Reaper Is A Loser

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
My old friend with the sickle came calling yesterday. He messed with Lyn this time. She decided to run out and get something all to have her brake line break. She never once thought of the emergency brake either. She was lucky enough not to hit anyone or anything and even either brave enough or stupid enough to get the car home. Either way, Sickle Boy lost again!

Bless her heart. She is brave to have done what she did. We have to say thanks for these miracles, as miracles they may be. Please tell her we are all thankful that she escaped the accident waiting to happen. Blessins.......
That must have terrified you both! Please give her a huge hug and keep her close by today! And check her blood pressure (and yours!). Mine would be skyrocketing!

Yeah I got back from the store and she was shaking and crying and I started thinking the worst. I can't believe she drove that thing home with very minimal pedal. I would have parked it! Another unneeded expense to contend with, but it could be far worse.
OMG....been there done that.....
4 years ago we were on a old country highway, when a coyote runs out of the bush in front of the car....hubby decides to PLANT the brake pedal.....guess what, no brakes!
Luckily the highway was about to go up a slight hill, and we pulled onto the shoulder on the gravel. We waited a few minutes....shaking.
We drove home on the side roads using the emerg brake and shifting.

Lyn had her angel on her shoulder.:)
Oh My Gosh....

Oh My Gosh....

Say thar bub, LOL

I am sure glad that Lyn is ok and I have to tell you, just by her being brave enough to drive the car home shows just how determined she is to not let yet another problem rock your worlds. Thank heavens that she's safe and home with hubby. Harrybaby:D :D
So glad the "Grape Ripper" (as my nephew called him when he was a little boy) lost again.
You know, I want to know what it is with us and brake lines breaking all the time. This is a new car for her and it shouldn't have happened. We just seem to have this uncanny luck for junk steel lines.
Bina said:
Ross, what the heck was she driving?

Ours was an ancient Nissan.....too much rust underneath from winters.
97 Chevrolet Cavalier. What bothers me is, now I wonder how bad mine are on my 96 Pontiac Sunfire. :eek:
Them cavaliers and sunfires don't have the best track record.....we are back in Toyota, an older Camry, equipped, a sheer delight every time I've got my shrivelled up little *ss in it.
Bina said:
Them cavaliers and sunfires don't have the best track record.....we are back in Toyota, an older Camry, equipped, a sheer delight every time I've got my shrivelled up little *ss in it.
Perhaps not, but I love my Sunfire. All the kinks have been worked out in it and it's a fun car to drive. All I can blame the rust on is Ohio winters and salted roads. No rust on the bodies of these cars, but obviously it tears up the underneath pretty good.