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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2004
Joplin, Missouri
I went to my cardio yesterday expecting to set the date for my second AVR although I have felt so much better this last month. I haven't had the shortness of breath and the extreme fatique I had been having. He asked me what I had been doing. I said praying a lot and multiple churches prayer groups have been praying for me. Well, he said I must have had an divine intervention. The valve was beating like it should. PRAISE THE LORD! ! What a great Christmas gift to myself.:) I had lost about 20 pounds. Just this last month I had completely cut sugar out of my diet. I didn't eat any pumpkin pie, pecan pie or any other sweets for Thanksgiving. I did have sugar and chocolate withdrawal for about a week. After that it wasn't hard at all. I'm eating a lot of fruit, vegetables and chicken. I don't eat hardley any meat, no pork at all. He wants to see me in six months.

Also I went to my oncologist a week ago and my blood work was all normal. There wasn't a high or low readings anywhere. Amazing, for me that is. This hasn't been normal for years. I still have leukemina and I'll always have that, but it's completely under control. I will always be on the chemo drug Gleevec but my system is handling it so much better.

Now if I could just get my Lady dog better. I thought she was doing better but she had a terrible nose bleed last night. She had gone a week without one. Maybe taking care of her so much took all the pressure of worrying about myself so much. I've been praying for her too. I have come to the conclussion that if I lose her that at least I've done eveything that I could to save her.

Just wanted all my special friends to know the good news. I've walking in the clouds right now.
I'm thrilled to hear this news. Hallelujah! I'm so happy for you.

We'll keep praying for Lady and a complete resolution of her bleeding cause.
What wonderful news! You have been through so much. It's nice to hear that there is bright sunshine at the end of the tunnel!
He asked me what I had been doing. I said praying a lot and multiple churches prayer groups have been praying for me. Well, he said I must have had an divine intervention. The valve was beating like it should. PRAISE THE LORD! ! What a great Christmas gift to myself.:) I

Just wanted all my special friends to know the good news. I've walking in the clouds right now.

During my two months at the clinic I had about six small christian icons next to my pillow. These icons also accompanied me at the operating theatre. The last thing I remember in the operating theatre was the making, by myself, the sign of the cross upon my body. Changes for me were so small......still God gave my another chance.
I was not much of a religious person. However after my survival I feel so differently when I enter the church....
God bless you
What wonderful news, Glenda! Have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy and we just know it will be Healthy New Year!
Send that good luck cloud this way!

Glad to hear it Glenda. You deserve the break. Wish a few more of us could some too.
Good for you Glenda!:) That is great news. What will power with your sugar over Thanksgiving. So glad to hear you are feeling better.

I was thinking about your dog.......darn! prayers for both of you!
Glenda what wonderful news about you. Hope your dog is feeling better soon,too.
Glenda that is really the BEST news!!! Thank you so much for sharing it with us. I'm so glad that your determination and faith has brought you to this well-deserved place. Hooray!!!!

Wishing your sweetheart dog a gentle passing if it is what it must be. Of course he knows you are doing all you can, too. Perhaps your rejuvenation will help him.

:) Marguerite
That is wonderful news Glenda --- Christmas came a little early for you this year!

"Divine Intervention" --- you'll get no arguments from me here my friend! Everytime my doctors see me, they just shake their head in wonderment because I guess they didn't expect me to still be around w/the state my mitral valve is in!

And I hope your Lady dog gets better too, bless her heart!

Keep on praying..........
Wow, Glenda,

What a beautiful news to share. I praise my God every morning I wake up. When someone asks me "when is your birthday?!", I answer "every morning I wake up, is a new birthday", and thus I praise my God every day and every minute in my heart and my mind even while sitting among a big crow of people, one ear listening and a part of my heart and mind praying.

Your loss of weight is inspiring and your faith is inspirational. Keep it us and He will never let you down. Amen.:)

With my prayers.
Glenda, Good for you! I hope your dog takes a turn for the better as well. Keep up the good work.

Oh Glenda that is such fantastic news!! I am so pleased for you :D Congratulations also on changing your eating habits - it's amazing how quickly our tastebuds adapt to cutting out the sugar and other additives. Kudos to you for sticking it out over Thanksgiving!!

I'm sorry to hear poor Lady is still having problems though :( I hope she also improves.

A x