Grandson needs prayers

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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2004
Joplin, Missouri
I haven't been online for a while. One of my oldest grandsons (24) over dosed last Thursday night. Thank goodness I was working that night and was already at the hospital. I made it downstairs to ER before the ambulance even got there. He has done this before but has never come this close to dying. The ER doctor said he was only a few minutes away from expiring. His poor mother found him just in time, this time. They had him on a vent for two days in ICU. He also had aspirated into his lungs so he also had pneumonia in his right lung. They moved him to a regular room on medical Sunday. He is still on a 96 hour hold until the psychologist evaluates him. He has to have a sitter with him at all times. His ER doctor sincerely believes that he didn't try to commit suicide. He just literally took too many mixture of pills. Isn't that a type of suicide? ? He had every type of drug in his system along with pot. He had told his mom earlier that he had smoked some really strong good pot. No telling what it was laced with. He had taken over 25 Zanax. He said he had shot up Oxicontin (spelling?) That means he had to melt it and mix it with water to get into his veins. He has been to re-hab many, many times. He has dryed completely out from alcohol and drugs and has started up time and time again. We even sent him away to a rehab center for over 30 days. He got drunk the night he came home after being dry 30 days. We have spent thousands and thousands trying to help this young man. I don't want to give up on him but I'm at my wits end. He has talked to many, many counselors, pshychologist, etc and he tells them what they want to hear. Nothing seems to be working. This nice looking young man is literally destroying himself and there is nothing we can do about it. So please, please pray for him and our family. Of all of my 12 grandchildren (he is the 2nd oldest grandson) he is the only one having these kind of problems.
Dear dear Glenda, I am sending prayers now. Drugs can really rob one of life, and devastate loved ones. There is far too much of this happening. I lost a couple of coworkers , who were bright, and gifted people. I wish I could offer you and John real comfort. I will be thinking of you all. Your valve brother, Brian
You and your grandson have my prayers. May God hold you in his arms during this ordeal; you need his support to get you through.
You and your grandson have my prayers. I pray that he will find his way free of his addiction, and I pray that you and your family be given the strength to face any and all obstacles in the way.
Glenda, I'm sorry you guys are going through all of this. It sounds like it's a good thing his mother found him when she did. Having two teenagers of my own, this is one of my biggest fears. One of my neighbors had this problem with their daughter and they shipped her off to Montana to some rehab place for her last two years of high school. She wasn't even allowed to come home for Christmas (they were afraid she would get with her friends the minute she got into town). They didn't give her any money for anything so she could never afford to leave on her own. Thankfully, she is now a junior in college and so far, so good.

Glenda, I have your grandson in my prayers. I hope that some good professionals can help him find a way to deal with his troubled mind... and find peace and happiness. It can be such a long road when you're starting on the journey that too many people can't get the energy to get to the end. I pray that he finds the energy.
Glenda so sorry and you have my prayers in this for grandson
and all of family and you....May God keep him safe

Very very sorry. Thoughts/prayers en route.

Has he tried programs like AA (Alcoholics Anonymous)? If not ... I can help get you some information about it. Just Email me....

Cort | 36swm.IL | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker south, Nov 09
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"It seems to have a vague, haunting mass appeal" ... Incubus ... 'Drive'
Cort he has been to so many re-hab centers. The last one he was about 200 miles from home and he was gone for about 30 days. It was very expensive and guess who paid for it. He's been to many psychitrist, counselors, ect. He tells them exactly what they want to hear. They moved him today to the lock-down section at the hospital. He will be there until he is evaluated and they decide how much treatment he needs. Please continue to pray for him. He such a sweet young man, really clean cut but is going down the worng path and there's nothing we can say or do to help him. First he's going to have to want to help himself and right now he could care less.
First he's going to have to want to help himself

Glad that you are aware of and know this, Glenda. This IS the VERY first thing that MUST happen in order for your grandson to get better.

A friend of mine went through the AA program, and he talked so highly about the AA book, that I obtained a copy and read it. Very interesting stuff ... and that is the #1 point ... the person MUST want to get better and help himself ... FIRST.

Hopefully, your grandson will realize this sooner rather than later, but he has to arrive at that conclusion in his own time and in his own way.... Thoughts/prayers continuing for sure....

Cort | 36swm.IL | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker show, Dec 09
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"Action speaks louder than words" ... Black Crowes ... 'Hard To Handle'