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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2004
Joplin, Missouri
Last week when I went to the doctor I had lost over 95 pounds so far. I now have 40 to go. Isn't that great? The doctor was so pleased. He took me off most all my medicines. My sugar count is normal, my blood pressure is normal, my right knee doesn't hurt anymore and my joints don't hurt. The only prescribed medicine I take is for my heart and my leukemia. I do take a fish pill and a daily baby aspirin. I feel better than I have felt in years. I really think going back to work (even though I am 66) has probably saved my life. I know realistically that I'm will have to have the aorta valve replaced one of these days and the leukemina won't go away, but right now things are great.
Oh my goodness Glenda. You are such an inspiration to me. I have been trying like heck to loose 80 pounds since the beginning of the year. So far I have managed 30. I get discouraged some days but everytime I see one of your posts you renew my faith in myself. Thank You. I am so happy to learn that you are feeling so much better. It gives me absolute hope that I will one day achieve my goal. God Bless You:)
You're one tough lady, Glenda. I'm proud to know you.

Very best wishes,

Ditto that!!! Can't say it any better than Bob!

I needed some of just that kind of inspiration today and you have given it to me. Thank you!

Glenda, really, really good for you! Have you tried putting 90lbs of cans or potatoes on the scale to see what it looks like? Losing weight is one of my battles, and I am NOT winning it right now!

You have to change your avatar, and show off the new less-of-you you - or are you waiting until the bitter end?

I'm thrilled for you!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is terrific news......... You've been so determined to lose this weight. Your health is much improved now.

You should be a poster girl for self-determination and weight loss!!!!!
Thanks again everyone. You guys are my rock! ! If I knew how to post a new avatar I would. First I'll have to have a new picture taken. I usually hide when the camera comes out, in fact usually I'm the one taking the pictures! Our new preacher is a computer whiz so he could probably help me post a new one. Look for it in the very near future.

I think I've mentioned it before but I cut sugar completely out of my diet. I don 't ever eat it on purpose. I know it's in some of the food we buy and also in restaurant food, but I haven't had cake, cookies, candy, pies or etc. since two days before last Thanksgiving. I also cut out bread, almost any white product. I eat very little meat, some chicken. I do eat a lot of salads, vegetables and fruit and some Braum's low fat yogurt. It's the only yogurt I can tolerate. I drink a couple of glasses of skim milk a day. I think getting the sugar completely out of my system was what worked for me.
I am so jealous. I have been fighting to lose weight and losing the battle. Perhaps I am just not motivated enough.

Congratulations and can't wait to see that new picture.