Go old people!

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why is that news?

why is that news?

Just kidding! I know that is amazing! Anyone that can run 26.2 miles at that level is fantastic, let alone a 38 y/o. I just don't like 38 and OLD being used in the same sentence. 38 IS NOT OLD. I will be 44 in a few weeks. We adopted Zach when I was 38. I know I am not old!!! I too will someday run a marathon just to say I DID IT. I hope I do it before I do get OLD! But, as yet, that is an undetermined number to be arrived at some time in the future.
Just kidding! I know that is amazing! Anyone that can run 26.2 miles at that level is fantastic, let alone a 38 y/o. I just don't like 38 and OLD being used in the same sentence. 38 IS NOT OLD. I will be 44 in a few weeks.

Hey, you whippersnapper! Don't contradict your elders! When it comes to Olympic sports, Tomescu Dita, Dara Torres, Beezie Madden and I are proud to be in the "old people" club, even if my participation on the US Equestrian team is imaginary.
I love to watch the gymnastics -- mens and womens both.I remember watching the 1976 Olympics with a friend when Nadia Comaneci stole a perfect 10 and everyones' heart. It seems their point system has changed.
But anyway , I'm enjoying too--even though I'm not on steroids;)
OKay, since its Saturday AND a full moon ,maybe I'll have a glass of white
wine just to keep you company.:D
I have two legs, a pointed tail and horns, is there any events for me?

Yes! As an official Horny Old Goat, you are qualified to join the Organization of Old Olympians. (OOO) The problem is finding you a sport. You are missing two of the four legs mandated for betailed members of the Imaginary US Equestrian Team, and said tail would drag you down in swimming competitions. The horns would puncture volleyballs. I suggest track and field. The tail will help you to balance through the air during the high jump and pole vault.
Yes! As an official Horny Old Goat, you are qualified to join the Organization of Old Olympians. (OOO) The problem is finding you a sport. You are missing two of the four legs mandated for betailed members of the Imaginary US Equestrian Team, and said tail would drag you down in swimming competitions. The horns would puncture volleyballs. I suggest track and field. The tail will help you to balance through the air during the high jump and pole vault.

We may need to start a new event for the Rossmiester and myself ... I have a few ideas and will get back to you:cool:;)
My co-workers dont agree

My co-workers dont agree

I went through the POLICE ACADEMY at 41, The oldest person in my class. I put up with WALKER comments and TOO OLD comments and COME ON OLD MAN comments for 5 months. Worst is, I have been with 15 of the people from my class for over 2.5 years and see most of them every day at work. Then some BABIES come in to the group and they are even younger. I am"GRANDPA" to some of these kids. Heck, even my Sgt. is younger than me! I guess I want to be in the OOO too. I can shoot pretty good. Is there a motorized wheelchair shooting event?:confused::cool::D
In Yoda's words. There is no old. There is dead and not-dead.

In Yoda's words. There is no old. There is dead and not-dead.

An excerpt from the 2007 Senior Olympics in Maine results.

See http://www.coolrunning.com/results/07/me/Sep8_2007Ma_set1.shtml.

Event 9 Men 75+ Javelin Throw 75+
Name Year School Finals
1 Lipton, Marshall Kingston NY 90-01
2 Wilson, David Brackney PA 63-08
3 Rinfret, Justin E Candia NH 38-09

Event 12 Women 75+ Shot Put 75+
Name Year School Finals
1 Patch, Harriet Springfield MA 16-07.50
2 McGowan, Anne Providence RI 15-00.00
3 Berlepsch, Jeanne Norwich CT 13-04.75
4 O'Connery, Estelle Unattached 12-11.25
5 Findley, Joyce Unattached 9-09.75
old guys (and gals) DO rule!

old guys (and gals) DO rule!

My store is near the Royal Canadian Henley Regatta course (rowing) and one of the officials remembers putting medals round the necks of one 78-year-old woman and one 82-year-old man this year - and although they were competing in the masters events, a master in rowing is 27+
Old (age) is nothing but a number. How old we are depends on how you feel at a given time. I'm 70 and on the downhill slide to 71. Somedays I'm 50 and some days I'm 90. But, everyday I'm thankful and happy.
Yep, your absolutely right kodi, age is nothing but a number. Couldn't remember my age when they asked me in the ER and my uncle was 95 before he decided to make out his first wil. He lived to be 100.5.