getting really frightened

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Nan, last may my son Justin (18) had his 4th OHS (had surg the year before to remove his broken pacer from his abdomen) I was very nervous because we knew for years his heart was fused to his sternum from all the scarring so were putting off surgery until 'the benefits outweighed the risks" by ballooning his stents every year in the cath lab. I didn't even want to know what the stats would say,since he had been given some very low ones over the years as he was going thru things, so never asked.the only thing I did ask his ped card was "now you do plan on him making it home from this right?"
He told me if he didn't think he would make it, he wouldn't have advised to have surgery,
Sadly w/ alot of the CHDs the kids have numerous surgeries,like Katie, Chloe, Matt, so even tho the risks go up w/ each surgery, there are many people that have had more than one surgery and are enjoying life. (Justin is on his senior trip in Fla right now) I'll keep you in my prayers, Lyn
Good Luck and hang in there. The surgery is a must in order to prevent any permanent damage. Everything will be fine. Try and ignore the mortality rate statistics. My surgeon told me I had a 15% chance of death and 10% chance of wearing a pacemaker for the rest of my life. And my was just a simple valve replacement. I'm alive and kicking :)

It must be very scary to contemplate going through all that again. I just had my first surgery and it gives me the jitters to imagine doing it again too. I will have to as I have a tissue valve. I will pray for you and hope that you can feel comfort during this difficult time. Just think of all the people onthis websites who have beaten the odds and overcome enormouse life threatening hurdles. YOu can and will do it too. Good luck to you!


Good luck with your surgery. Our prayers will be with you on Friday.
Dear Nan,

Dear Nan,

I?m glad you were able to get a top-notch surgeon. Best of luck with the coming consultation and surgery.
Thank you all once again for your responses. I can't tell you how much it is appreciated. Now, if I could just take you all with me to the appointment on Friday.....:) Just kidding, in a way, you are all with me as you are so supportive.

I guess I needed a dose of reality along with the support. I do know that there are many folks both on this site and off who have had many more than one OHS and have done well. Even if the stats weren't "in their favor".

I am going to listen to what the surgeon has to say and stop "researching" the net and frightening myself even further. I am still sort of hoping he might say I don't need the surgery at this time, but in reality I know that will not be the case.

Take care, everyone,