Gaining Weight....

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Well-known member
Oct 24, 2007
Silverdale, Washington
Hi there,
As most of you know by now I am getting ready to have surgery to repair an aortic aneurysm and bicuspid aortic valve. I was diagnosed the middle of October and at that point my aneurysm was already 5 cm so I guess it was kind of a blessing since that means I don't have to wait around too long to get it taken care of.

Here's my question...since I was diagnosed every doctor I have seen from cardiologist to surgeon has cautioned me against any strenuous exercise, any lifting and basically has scared the crap out of me in terms of being able to do any exercise for fear that this time bomb in my chest will explode and I will drop dead. As a result, although I am NOT eating as much as I used to even, I have slowly been gaining weight. I don't really know what to do about it....since I can't exercise and my surgery is just around the corner. I have heard that you really swell up in the hospital from all the fluids they give you so I can only imagine what I am going to look like then.

Is there ANYTHING at all that I can do between now and surgery date to safely lose a few pounds? I know that I can't even think about taking any dietary supplements. I know that I am retaining fluid too, which doesn't help. Anyone else ever been in this predicament with an aneurysm and weight gain to deal with? I know that I need to try and be in better physical condition for surgery, as I have heard I will recuperate quicker.
Any suggestions?
I went into surgery weighing 168# I came out of surgery weighing 190#.
a month later I weighed 152# Food tasted horrible for a couple months for me, and I really didn't care what I ate or if I ate! So I guess I didn't eat a whole lot during that time. I have since gained it back and then some.
Lorie don't concern yourself with the gain, you'll lose alot after surgery, so those few extra pounds now may be a blessing. I don't care what you do to try to improve yourself for this surgery, fact is, it's hard no matter what condition your in and everyone reacts differently to recovery, so again, don't concern yourself too much with it.
Lorie, don't waste your time worrying about your weight....Your system does not need any changes right now. Eat well, eat enough, and rest. Most people lose weight in the first couple of weeks post op.
You will be fine.:)
Hi Lorie. I think that was an excellent post by Rachel. Read it again! :)

I would also consult your doctor about the possibility of using some very mild diuretics. This may be a no-no for some medical reason, but I don't think so. Also, you could ask about taking a B vitamin supplement (make sure it's a B complex even if the doctor only suggests one of the B's....I think they work better all together). But again...don't go self-dosing without specific advice please.

Also, I would echo the comments of the others. This is not a time to worry about your weight. Put yourself into the perspective that this is something that will be hovering for several months as you recover. It's like you have to wear a cast, okay? It just isn't something you should worry about. Everyone else around you will just be grateful you are alive. And so will you. You will be able to get the pounds off no problem once you can move around like you used to.

Have a lovely holiday. Try to relax.

:) Marguerite
I totally agree w/Rachel & the others; don't worry about your weight!

Your weight gain I can assure you, is fluid retention & that will be addressed as soon as your heart is functionally at full capacity. You will more than likely loss all of it & then some! (I remember weighing 142 lbs when I went in for my 2nd OHS & coming out of the hospital in Houston, weighing 101 lbs! -- talk about skin & bones!) I also remember having to sleep sitting up because if I layed down, I felt like I was drowning & I was, in my own fluids! :eek: Towards the end, before the surgery, I would throw up everything, even a sip of water because of the water retention.

If you can walk, then just walk & forget about how much you weigh. Take care & you are in my prayers!
I totally agree with the members suggesting you not worry too much about a mild weight gain now. Just concentrate on eating a healthy diet for yourself, go for walks if you are able to, and work on your pre surgery mind set about how great your recovery will be after surgery. If your doctor says you can tolerate a light massage, have one. ... it helps with relaxation. Your weight is going to fluctuate after surgery with changes in fluid levels, hospital diet, etc. Just keep in mind to fuel your body with good nutrients for healing power and keep your mind positive and focused on a positive outcome. I wish you all the best. Enjoy the holiday!
Lorie, I agree that you shouldn't worry about gaining weight before surgery. When I had my original OHS, I lost over 20 pounds afterwards. My mother did say I was very bloated when I was in intensive care, but by the time I left the hospital a week later that was gone. I'm having the opposite issue from you though, I'm losing weight weekly and am having a hard time eating much due to nerves. Because of this my husband and I are talking about moving my surgery up again. If I wait until June as planned, at this rate, there won't be any of me left to operate on!!!

I hope you have a great holiday.

Thanks everyone for all the wonderful responses and it does make me feel better to realize that perhaps at least some of the weight gain has been due to fluid retention. I know at night when I take off my socks there is this ridge where my socks were that stays for hours afterwards...but I know I can't blame it all on fluid retention. Part of it is just plain lack of activity....and yes, you all are right...I can walk and my surgeon even suggested that I start walking at least an hour a day but it is hard to find the time now with the holidays, a house full of family, preparations for surgery, etc. I am hoping that I am getting a treadmill for Christmas because that will help me immensely, especially since it rains ALOT here in the winter and I know that walking post-op is really important.

Anyway, thanks for the reassurance and I am not going to worry too much about it now, just continue to try and eat healthy portions, drink lots of water and get a walk in every day. I can't believe I only have 3 weeks until makes my heart skip a beat just thinking about it....yikes...I'm getting soooo nervous!!!

So Kim, I can relate to your nerves and I am kinda glad to be getting on with my surgery...the sooner the better...less time to worry and stress and for me just knowing this damn aneurysm is in my chest drives me crazy....the risk of sudden death and I am kinda glad I didn't find out until it was already time for surgery. For those that have been in the waiting room for years...hats off to you...I don't think I could do it!

Take care all and Merry Christmas! I gotta to put together and stockings to fill!
Hey Lorie!

I understand how you feel about weight and all that but "it is what it is" for now. You want to go into the surgery as strong as you can so that means eat as sensibly and wholesomely as you can given the constraints of the season & your lifestyle. Losing weight will come, when you are healthy and strong and walking (alot!) again post surgery. For now, be kind to yourself and your body and try to relax (easy for me to say) and treat your body with good food and kindness.

I wish you a most successful surgery and uneventful recovery.
