gadoty1's avr on Wed.

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Hoping that all your blood work tomorrow shows that the cold is gone and there is no infection and you can proceed with surgey on Wed. This is your second AVR after a Ross procedure 8 years ago, but you have done your research, decided on the on-x valve and I just know you are going to fine and home with your children before you know it.:) God Bless and Godspeed!
I'm sending my best wishes that the surgery is "on" for Wednesday, that it is uncomplicated and 100% successful, and your recovery is such that you feel really good by Thanksgiving and GREAT by Christmas!
Thanks everyone! it may take a while to update you obviously but i will as soon as i can. I have a lot of faith that everything is gonna be just fine.

We have faith, too. wishing you a very easy time and we will wait to hear from you. we are leavin the light on for ya. GODSPEED!