Frozen-Part 1 continued

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Freddie Supporter
Supporting Member
Jul 19, 2007
Ever wanted to know what a Canadian winter is like in the Prairies????

Well lets just say.........if -40C = -40F

Our low for tonight and for the next 3 nights with wind chill should
be around -50C.

Time to hibernate and have a hot toddy

Freddie said:
Ever wanted to know what a Canadian winter is like in the Prairies????

Well lets just say.........if -40C = -40F

Our low for tonight and for the next 3 nights with wind chill should
be around -50C.

Time to hibernate and have a hot toddy


55F here and sunny today:) ??.wishing you were here:p :D


We had so much FUN on chat last night..How did your pork loin go?Was it tender????Having so many members going at the same time..Just fun..but I had to leave before I heard if it was good?:D .....Freddie was so cold..could not grill it outside..and we tried to tell her how to cook it?:D :) :eek: .....What is -50C??in America?I get cold outside ..walking /ect..unless it is in the 50;s..:p ..How do you keep your cars.ect. going/.....STAY warm..Bonnie
Cooker - I was you were here too!

Bonnie - Yep it was too cold to B-B-Q Sunday night, but loin came out PERFECTLY.
-50C = about -50F.
We plug in our vehicles. There's a block heater inside the motor that has a cord coming from it which we plug into an outlet. It keeps the motor, battery and maybe the oil from freezing and easier for the motor to turn over in the morning. But one has to have a strong battery.
It's shorts and convertible weather....

It's shorts and convertible weather....

Freddie........get in motion and get down here...!! We'll even take you out on the pack that bathing suit..!!

Tomorrow's weather:

Partly Cloudy High
That's okay Freddie - post your temperatures when July and August roll around and this people will be singing a different song.:D

Try going from 50 down to 0 in a matter of HOURS.


Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"I guess the winter makes you laugh a little slower" ... Counting Crows ... 'A Long December'
Freddie--Don't you send any of that WAY below zero weather over the border to me! It's been cold here, but not that cold. Don't need that Canadian wind blowing it my way.
Nancy, I would really love to share this weather with you (and everyone):D

But its starting to warm up!

Today (Wednesday) its -31F with no wind.................yet
Freddie, you have my empathy! Many years ago we lived in the Rocky Mountains and the coldest we saw it there was the last year we wintered there, 44F degrees below zero with very bad winds--but that wasn't the wind chill, just the actual temperature. Brrrrrrrrr :eek: !!! We heated with a wood stove in those days and lived in a very poorly insulated but beautiful little cabin, right on the Blue River. The cat's water would freeze on the kitchen floor overnight. So cold!!!

Tonight, the low may reach about 29F degrees here. Much more tolerable :) .


Just thought I'd let you folks know that the deep freeze hasn't let up. :eek:

The wind chill for tonight is -56F with the temperature around -40F. :eek: :eek:

Yep tomorrow will be the same.

I'll be staying in and nursing my bronchitis :(
SASK IN deepfreeze........

SASK IN deepfreeze........

Freddie ,
grazing the horse cuz my car almost didnt start this morning at 6am no dought its another cold one .....enough to stick our valves with frost.Im getting tired of those groundhogs predictions lol

zipper2 signing out
Freddie said:
So, you really want to know how cold it is.........
this is what happens when you bring out boiling water into the cold air.


I've heard about that ... but never seen it ... so, thank you :).

Supposed to be sub zero tonight and tomorrow night, it appears....arg.

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"There's so much I need to say to you" ... Phil Collins ... 'Take A Look At Me Now / Against All Odds'
Our local weather lady did the same thing

Our local weather lady did the same thing

with the boiling water a couple of weeks ago. Now here we are back in the deep freeze. We're supposed to have -40 to-50 windchills here overnight tonight. Makes me want to stay curled up in bed tomorrow morning instead of getting up to go to church.

We plug our vehicles in here too of course, but last time my hubby did that, his pickup truck cord must have not been plugged in all the way, and unfortunately it was blocking my vehicle and had to be pushed out of the way so we could get to church that morning.

I should go wake him up now, (he's sleeping in a chair in the livingroom), and ask him to make sure the vehicles are plugged in.:)
Today High: 76°...:D our hometown.

Oy my Canadian friends - how is this hot-blooded South Texas gal gonna fare in Banff after we depart the Rocky Mountanineer choo-choo the first week in May?!?!....:eek:

Freezing boiling water......I never heard of such a thing...!