Free from the doctor!!!

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Well-known member
Nov 11, 2010
Lived in South Africa most of my life, relocated t
I have just had my card visit, and I must admit that it was somewhat interesting...

I showed the doctor my CoaguChek XS, and he was impressed. I have been given the doc's okay to use the self-test device without lab test confirmation for weekly monitoring (if I am stable, 2-weekly), and not have to come in for needle-sticks every few weeks!

If my INR is out of range, 2.0-3.0, then I should call the office to chat to a doctor about possible dosage change.

I am not allowed to self-manage my dosage.

I will get a vein draw every 4months, when I see the doctor.

I love my XS!:cool:
That's great news. There's nothing like the feeling of empowerment that you get when you can test on your own.
I'm not quite sure of the need for a needle stick every four months, but if it makes the doctor feel more confident in a) your meter or b) your ability to do the testing on your own, it's probably a necessary evil.

It probably doesn't hurt that your doctor wants to manage your dosage - but if he makes some weird suggested changes, you've always got this forum or the dosing charts to confirm the wisdom of any 'major' changes. A LOT of us here are self-managing, and doing a pretty good job at it.