fluid retention; thoughts?

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We'll see whether I'm really amenable to suggestions once I read them, but for now, I think I am!;)
I've got myself in a little bit of trouble with fluid retention. After taking my morning dose of lasix Saturday morning, I was still up four pounds from the day before, and yesterday morning the scales were still reading the same. Normally I would have taken a second dose yesterday afternoon, but I was down to only two pills and the pharmacy wasn't open.:eek:

Don't ask how I came to find myself in that situation!;)

I sat around, legs up, most of the day but I was having pretty significant SOB. Blood pressure at bedtime was 125/95 with a heartrate of 90. BP normally runs 120/65.
Now HERE"S the problem!

I've taken my morning dose of lasix; and it's not doing anything. There is almost no urine output. I will have picked up more medicine by afternoon, and I can take an additional dose, but I'm wondering what's going on with my kidneys?
Suggestions from those members who frequently have trouble with fluid build-up? One other thing, I've been nauseated on and off for 24 hours and I've read that can be a symptom of heart failure. I know that we can, and do, move into different categories of heart failure and I'm concerned that I'm moving the wrong way!:eek:
Maybe I will call the cardiologist, but my gut feeling is he's not going to say anything I haven't all ready thought of. I have an appointment in two weeks and I think I can probably wait until then to adjust meds. Or can I?:confused: :p :p
If it continues to worsen, then call. Right now, get your extra dose and take it and see what happens. I know I should be in the bathroom all day with what I'm taking and it doesn't happen. Maybe it's time for you to go get a BMP draw and see just what is going on with the kidneys.
Call today!

Call today!

I agree with Ross, you need to do something NOW! Keep track of input and output.
Don?t worry if output is a little lower than input, this is normal. Another important thing to remember is that you may need to see a Nephrogist, they are much better at fluid control than Cardiologist. My cardiologist turned over my BP management to my nephrologist when we had some problems and he is trying some unique solutions. So far, so good. Remember kidneys are a ?smart? organ, the heart is just a ?stupid pump?.:)

For years I have done battle along with Joe and his fluid retention problems. What I have found is that once the fluid gets to a certain level in your body (and it may be different for everybody), the lasix by itself doesn't work. What had to happen in Joe's case was that his docs had to add zaroxolyn. And if it still didn't work, then IV Lasix was the only answer in the hospital.

The only good option for fluid retention is to avoid it in the first place. And you know what that means, low sodium diet.

You should call your doctor today and get some help with it. No-- don't wait for 2 weeks.
Thanks for the replies.:)
I actually did go ahead and call the cardiologist's office :)eek: highly unusual) , but he is at "clinic" today so I don't know when I'll get an answer back.
I will take another dose of Lasix about noon, but I really am concerned that I'm not producing urine.
Like you said, RCB, I figure my kidneys are smart, so what are they trying to tell me?:p
Nancy, I've been on track with my sodium.
The heat and humidity might be taking their toll on my heart or maybe it's my return to swimming. Maybe I've overdone it, again!
If I get very concerned, I'll contact my family practice doc. I've been with him a long time, and he will step in if need be.
Are you producing No output and for how long? What is your intake? Have you weighed yourself to see if you have had suddent weight gain? Is your family aware of this, because if your blood concentration becomes to high, it can affect your decision making abilities.
It's pretty much zilch!

We were concerned last night because of my SOB and blood pressure. I've sent hubby an email, and if worse comes to worse, I will beep him at the hospital.
Part of the problem is, I tend to compare my condition to those he's working on at the hospital, and my situation is almost always less urgent. That's why I'm home, thank goodness, and not hospitalized!
However, I am prepared to call him and ask him to come home if need be.
Glad you called the cardio, Mary and hope you will call your family practice doctor if you don't hear back soon. Keeping my fingers crossed that this can be helped with a change in prescription. You're on my mind in my heart!

I think what happens if the fluid goes into ascites (abdominal fluid), is that it interferes with the absorption of the Lasix in pill form, and that is why IV Lasix works better after a certain point, it goes right into the bloodstream. So it may not necessarily be your kidneys as much as the fact that it might not be getting to where it needs to get. Zaroxolyn acts on a different part of kidney function(I believe) and in combo with pill Lasix, it can help tremendously, and FAST!

Hopefully you will get something to jump start it.
Nancy said:

I think what happens if the fluid goes into ascites (abdominal fluid), is that it interferes with the absorption of the Lasix in pill form, and that is why IV Lasix works better after a certain point, it goes right into the bloodstream. So it may not necessarily be your kidneys as much as the fact that it might not be getting to where it needs to get. Zaroxolyn acts on a different part of kidney function(I believe) and in combo with pill Lasix, it can help tremendously, and FAST!

Hopefully you will get something to jump start it.
It seems to me that the fluid is being retained in my abdomen and in my face--particularly my eyelids. Neither my feet nor my hands are particularly bad. I recognized yesterday that I was probably getting into trouble, but took a calculated risk that things would be better today. My risk assessment skills might earn me a new diuretic prescription! :D Bob is running home at noon with more lasix, so I'll take another dose and see what happens. It just so happens that he has a scheduled appointment with our family practice doctor after work, so I've asked him to run this by him to see what he thinks.

RCB, I knew something was wrong during the night, so maybe 12 hours.

Thanks Phyllis, for the kind thoughts. I've got house painters here, so maybe this is an opportune time to have to sit around with my feet up all day
Mary said:
Bob is running home at noon with more lasix,

I am?:eek: :confused:............ Oh, YOUR Bob.:eek:
Mary said:
a scheduled appointment with our family practice doctor after work, so I've asked him to run this by him to see what he thinks.
Make sure he gives the dr. answers to all the questions we have asked here.
Mary said:

RCB, I knew something was wrong during the night, so maybe 12 hours.

In a hospital they wait no more than 6-8 hours for a man, till they put the foley in:eek: Your situation is different, but there is nothing to gained by waiting. Take care.:)


Let us hear ..when you take the 2nd dose of lasik....In the meantime, while you are sitting around watching the paint dry:D drink lots of Iced Tea..1 glass and I'm heading to little girls room.:p Bonnie
Bob, husband, got me an appointment for tomorrow morning with our family doctor, and as he was telling me the time, the phone rang from the cardiologist's office. His nurse said to up lasix to 80mg x 2, get lab drawn Thursday, and call back if I don't lose the fluid. I imagine the lab is in anticipation of my scheduled appointment with him in two weeks.
Now I'm just hoping for the proverbial, it never rains but it pours, outcome!:eek: :D :D
Mary said:
Bob, husband, got me an appointment for tomorrow morning with our family doctor, and as he was telling me the time, the phone rang from the cardiologist's office. His nurse said to up lasix to 80mg x 2, get lab drawn Thursday, and call back if I don't lose the fluid. I imagine the lab is in anticipation of my scheduled appointment with him in two weeks.
Now I'm just hoping for the proverbial, it never rains but it pours, outcome!:eek: :D :D
Good Luck, Mary- tell us how it comes out!:D
Glad, Bob, got you in tomorrow to see your PCP...I am hoping that the extra mg of Lasix does the trick for you..and wishing you many bathroom trips tonight.:D ....Bonnie
I think the labs are to check for Potassium depletion and kidney function. At least that is what they checked for with Joe as soon as the dosage was upped. They have to keep track of kidney function because all of this stresses your kidneys. And of course, we all know about potassium loss and Lasix.
Hey hon, I take 40mg lasix in the a.m. along with 25mg Spironolactone and 2.5 mg of Zaroxolyn. I still don't go like I should be. Repeat the same before bedtime.
Granbonny said:
Glad, Bob, got you in tomorrow to see your PCP...I am hoping that the extra mg of Lasix does the trick for you..and wishing you many bathroom trips tonight.:D ....Bonnie

Bon, I wasn't clear when I posted before. I cancelled the GP appointment after the cardio's office called. I'm going to take the 80 mg of Lasix in the morning and then again in the afternoon and see what happens (just between us, Bon, I think I know what will happen!):D :D

Nancy, yes I'm sure the blood work is to check the potassium level.

Ross, I know that you are taking much greater doses of diuretics and they're not doing the job for you. This is one area where I'm glad I'm lagging behind you. And don't forget, you're a Big, Strong Man and I'm just a frail, wisp of a woman . . . . . :p :p :p :p :p :p

This is one problem I haven't had, at least since shortly after the surgery, so I don't have any pearls of wisdom to pass along. Just wanted to wish you the best and hope this problem dissipates (is that the right word? :) ) quickly for you.
