flooding in PA,NJ, DE and MD

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Hope everyone affected with the flooding we are currently experiencing is doing well... Pottstown (my town) had some minor flooding and evacuations with the Manatawny River cresting (river tributary into the Schuykill River), but I know it was alot worse in nearby towns and it's expected to continue to rise thru tomorrow.. Be safe everyone - especially if you need to evacuate... and if at all possible, please do not leave your pets behind.. (ok, that was my animal PSA) - hope no one has too much damage.

My County has been declared a disater area. FEMA will be here tomorrow to see if Federal assistance will be granted.

Where I am, I'm fine, but the Southern portion of our County is wrecked.
sorry to hear that Ross, glad you're fine.. I was home today but all I caught was local news and our area flooding, that and my "natural cat" store emailing me letting me know she's open but the roads getting to her were closed/flooded by our local river.. good news though, at least the heavy rains are all but gone, just have to deal with rivers that are now flooding.

again, glad your family is safe.

I know how that is....we are still recovering over here in NH...

I know how that is....we are still recovering over here in NH...

Ross said:
My County has been declared a disater area. FEMA will be here tomorrow to see if Federal assistance will be granted.

Where I am, I'm fine, but the Southern portion of our County is wrecked.

Ross, like you, I made out fine where I am located, but there is really bad damage still over in Newmarket, (2 towns over from me) and in York, Me, down by the beaches...in fact, up in the town of Milton, where my older than dirt brother lives (LOL:p ), there is one elderly couple who use a golf cart for the husband to get around due to mobility issues, and Fema denied the claim to fix ANY of their damage...for no good reason...I fear that alot more people will be denied....just goes to show how the govt. is....Meanwhile, I hope you and yours and everyone else who is affected by these horrible floods are going to be ok...Harrybaby:D :eek: :eek: :mad: :D :D
The Southern part of my area is flooded, I was out last night looking around, and its weird when see the same roads everyday and then they are underwater. I believe the water level is slowing dropping in our area, but there is a chance of rain again.
Oh I am praying for all, every year hurricanes flood us, I know how they feel. I wish I could help...:eek:
Glad our members are safe. Robhol are you still in the ark up on that hill?

I've never been affected by a flood directly, but parts of Frankfort have been flooded several times over the years. Just 3 or 4 years ago a woman and her young child were swept away to their deaths when a raging creek took their frail house. The EMTs saw the lady look out the window just before the house was washed away as it broke apart.

Everyone stay safe and dry.
Our town was flooded, fortunately my home is on a hill. I guage the flooding by whether the creek out back is at the saplings next to it ...it was way past the saplings. Ironically, I hadn't heard any rain the night before unlike the LAST FIVE DAYS or whatever it was. The road two blocks over had water up to and probably in the rowhomes, which as it always seems to happen, house some lower income people. It went down fast though. A park along the Brandwyine river where only the tops of pavilions were visible yesterday was dried out today...but the picnic tables were in a high pile where they had been pushed and left by the water. My ex lives near Reading like Mike and this was the only time he was not able to come get our daughter for his visit. I can't stand to hear of the people who were swept away...especialy the little girl whose picture I saw on CNN.