first post: want to wait little longer!

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Next problem.......what valve...or dare i go there? ?!!
While there have been many spirited discussions about valves on this site, you should feel free to ask about it. You're going to face this choice soon enough. Here's a link to a recent discussion:!-I-need-help-deciding.

Here is an article on the AHA web site that may be helpful: See especially the figure containing a decision tree. Also, there is a good example using a 50 year old man with a 30 year life expectancy, and determining the risks with either choice, tissue or mechanical valve. The net is that in this example the risk of death is slightly higher with the tissue valve and the risk of illness is much higher with the mechanical valve. While I generally prefer to look at the data, as this article does, there is a lot of value to read on this forum about the experiences of people that have actually been through it. I'll also point you to a good presentation on valves done by the Mayo Clinic: The biggest point I took away from this presentation is that good/self monitoring of INR levels may reduce some of the risks for those with mechanical valves.
Thanks for that AZ Don,

Leaning towards tissue at moment.
I'm hoping on going on couple of remote surf trips before i get too old ( mentawiis etc..) and dont know what the consequences would be if i hit the reef (fairly common!!) if on warfarin.
Hi again,
Well saw the consultant and he said due to my preserved Ejection fraction and lack of any symptoms i could delay a little longer.
Got another echo in june to see if any changes.
But at any sign of fatigue or dizzines i've got to ring his secretary and will be refered to surgeon.
Tried to get out of invasive angiogram for ct scan instead but surgeon insists on it!

My current measurements are:
EF 65%
LVES 47mm
LVED 71mm
Gradient 19 mmhg

So time to get fitter,and bulk up a bit in preparation.
Will be nice to have summer with my little boy.

Yes, try not to spend the next 4 months playing "Is this a symptom?" "Do I normally breathe about this hard at the top of two flights of stairs" and other fun mind games.