Fever, Still in ICU Five Days After Surgery

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New member
Nov 17, 2016
Charlotte, NC
My sister had surgery Monday morning. She had her mitral valve replaced with a mechanical valve. She is 62 years old. The surgeon and pulmonary doctors made us aware that her surgery would be difficult. She has severe hypertension. Anyway, the valve replacement looked to be successful, but she has developed a high fever. She is still on the ventilator. They have run tests, sent off cultures ... so far everything has come back negative. Her fever is down to 100 today. (It was 103 two nights ago, 102 the next day and 101 yesterday. So, IT IS coming down!!) Does anyone have experience with this?

I SO want her off the ventilator, but they can't really do what they need to do until they get the fever down. I may be explaining this completely wrong. I am medically illiterate.The last young nurse told me that they were checking with infectious diseases??She said that was €just to be safe -since they haven't found an infection.

ANY experience so I can be optimistic??
JackieP;n870424 said:
ANY experience so I can be optimistic??[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

Everybody is different, but I had a similar experience after my OHS many years ago. I had a low grade fever +/- 100 for two weeks post surgery.....and the docs never figured out why. I was kept in the hospital for 3-4 extra days and finally discharged with that slight fever.........with instructions to "get back to the hospital if it goes up by 1 degree F.......it didn't and it finally went away. She is in good hands and her fever seems to be coming down so try not to worry.
I had a fever post surgery. For the first few days they kept telling me it was "normal post surgical pyrexia" - I felt awful, I was sure I had some sort of infection but they assured me that it was normal for people to sometimes have fever post surgery. But on day 4 they realised from the tests they were actually doing that I had a urinary tract infection (which would have been from the catheter) and then I got antibiotics. Here's a website about post surgical fever: http://teachmesurgery.com/perioperative/general-complications/pyrexia/

I was on the ventilator only for about twelve hours post surgically (I can't remember actually) so I can understand how you want your sister off that. I suspect your sister's surgical team is just being very careful which is actually the best thing.
Dick and Paleowoman .... than you both for responding. I really appreciate your help. Hopefully, she will be fine. I'm headed back to the hospital. All prayers appreciated. Thank you.

I'm 32 and was sedated for 6 days was discharged 8 days later.I had MVR and Tricuspid Repair with Mechanical.I had pneumonia when I woke up.My pulmonary pressure was so high the night before I turned blue.

I hope things turn out ok and the doctors know what they are doing,keep us updated.
My last surgery in 2004 (AVR) I had a fever every eve around 5:00pm. Mostly low grade but sometimes higher if I walked more that day. I had that for three weeks. The Cleveland Clinic said not to worry about it. But they new my lab work and did my surgery. I am leaving today around 88-99. Don't know what to tell you except talk to the attending. Will keep you guys in our prayers.