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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
snowy - Sharpsburg, Ga USA
I know you haven't checked the Home Page. Why not? Click on the yellow ValveReplacement.com above and go there. New Feb page. Other info, too. Check it out -
hi ann!
thanks so much for pointing that out to us. i was on there about 2 days ago and it sure looked different.

webpage looks beautiful. how appropriate and touching.
you do such a terrific job!!! how can we ever repay you for all you have given to us?!
thank you!

hope all here and your families are well,

What a beautiful tribute to the crew of the Columbia...Thank You. Such a sad day in history!

Ann, thank you too..for directing everyone to view the home page. Makes us realize how very lucky we all are. We're here!

God Bless us all and help us to pray for these families and their loss.

Nice tribute to the shuttle crew. We are so fortunate to have had such courageous women and men who were willing to take risks for the advancement of science and the exploration of new frontiers.

In my e-radio news yesterday, they said that NW Fl (where Bill A and I live) the shuttle was 3 mins away from us. We are directly under the path it would have taken. If it had been here, most of the parts that fell would have been in the Gulf of Mexico, probably -